
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Mare | Coastal Italian

When people inquire as to my favorite restaurant in the North End (such an unfair question, but I get it all the time!) Mare is one that ranks among my top 5. Mare is the Italian word for S E A and here the focus is on coastal Italian cuisine. Void of the typically hearty Italian red sauce fare + classic Little Italy atmosphere one might expect from a North End restaurant, Mare bathes in a contemporary white sheen. An added dose of pizazz once night falls (you will see what I mean!) keeps the atmosphere feeling one-of-a-kind in the neighborhood.  
Dishes are prepared with finesse and expertise and the seafood is consistently fresh. Appetizers average around $16 and entrees look to even off around $30. The last time we dined at Mare was back when we had just moved to the neighborhood! We had an excellent date night all around.
Mare participates in Restaurant Week Boston. This is the type of place, in my opinion, that you are going to get your monies worth. Three courses for $33.10? Yes, please. I booked a reservation for Wednesday night 8 pm. It was a super busy evening; we were greeted with smiles and seated promptly upon arrival. Tables are set with soft flickering tea lights and mini potted succulents. Menus come on handsome clipboards. 
We perused the wine list and settled on a bottle of Esperto Pinot Grigio ($35). I immediately recognized the twist top bottle as one I've purchased at the liquor store across the street for $16. Deciding not to let it dampen the mood - I happily enjoyed its crisp fruitiness while in anticipation of the first course. In the meantime we were delivered soft bread with a light organic olive oil for dipping. For the primi course I chose the Thin Crust Pizzetta di MareLightly sautéed calamari, shrimp and scallops were piled high atop a crispy thin crust with fresh tomatine, red and yellow cherry tomatoes and parsley.
All of the seafood tasted so fresh with just enough seasoning to allow the clean natural flavors of the underwater creatures to shine. I devoured this, it was a truly memorable first course.
At this point you've probably noticed and might be questioning the many different color tones coming through in the photographs. Just some delicate strobe up-lighting that casually changes colors every couple minutes. Haters can hush. Mare can do its thing. Whenever we are walking home after dark the colors are a welcome beacon guiding us down Parmenter and Richmond. Plus everyone dining here always looks like they are having fun. We certainly are!
Adam's primi course was the Grilled Octopus with Genovese pesto & potato mousse. We had actually split this appetizer in the past and loved it, so he was confident in ordering it again. Unfortunately this time around it was left on the grill a little too long. It was severely blackened and charred! He still ate it but that poor octopus was likely victim of a busy kitchen trying to keep up with the restaurant week demand. 
It was a toss for me up regarding the entrée course. I was toying with the idea of choosing the Wild Mushroom Spaghetti a la Chitarra with porcini cream, truffle essence and spinach. I thought about how amazing their homemade pasta would be; walking by on my way home from work I often catch a glimpse of the chefs making the pasta from scratch through the open kitchen windows. (Gosh, I love living here!)
Debating it over, I eventually came to the decision that I was going again with a seafood dish.I chose the Grilled Rainbow Trout with Charred leeks, funghi trifolat and whole grain mustard vinaigrette.
While the fish head was rather intimidating, I managed to embrace it. I was enamored with the the delicate earthy mushrooms stuffed gently inside the whole trout.
The skin was perfectly crispy and the fish was melt-in-your-mouth tender and flaky. The preparation honored the trouts distinct (for lack of a better word) fishy flavor. The pungent and grainy mustard vinaigrette added robust flavor to the dish.
Adam chose Chicken Under the Brick with Gorgonzola potatoes and Brussel spouts. I did not snap a photo, but I can tell you that he loved it. Dessert took much less inner debate on my part, I wanted the Tiramisu Panna Cotta (my two favorite desserts combined!) When the waiter informed me they were out my voice shot up an octave or 5 "Already?" At this point I thought, come on Mare, I expect you to be better prepared and not run out of your feature dessert at 8 pm!
The Apple Bread Pudding with apple caramel sauce it was.
This forced me out of my comfort zone as far as desserts go. I am not typically a bread pudding fan, but Mare changed my mind!
The thick and moist spice cake laced with chunks of fresh apples was fantastic and that caramel sauce, divine. I no longer cared about the Tiramisu-panna-what? This hit the spot.
What did not hit the spot was the fact that our waiter offered us coffee after our dessert was cleared. He was becoming flustered as the night wore on, as evidenced when he delivered the table next to us their check but forgot their dessert course. We were chummy with them throughout the meal, talking about our courses and such. They were definitely taken aback and inquired/reminded with him about course number three. :) 

The rest of our service garnered no complaints and the meal was well paced, so maybe the restaurant week crowds were wearing on him?!
I simply adore Mare for what it is. They bring something entirely different to the North End. We are next door neighbors and I am so happy for it!! Although their cuisine comes at a higher price point, it is nice that the restaurant week deal here mostly measures up!

135 Richmond St
Boston, MA 02113


  1. Oooh I have always bypassed Mare for the more traditional North End spots (love Bricco the best, for the record!) Your review is great and makes me want to try it. . . though the lights might make me insane.

  2. The lights are one of the most exciting parts. You'll love it!! (Or just request a window table, much less noticable when you aren't sitting right underneath them)

  3. "already!" um your fish came with its eye ball in tact. call me five, but ew. glad YOU liked it though :)

  4. The wild Mushroom Spaghetti is my favorite meal ever, I'm studying abroad in Italy right now and can't find anything that even compares to it! You must get it next time. Mare is the best!

  5. Bonniebelle - I just checked out your blog. So adorable (I'm pretty jealous of all your travels actually!) Thanks for the tip - I will have to try that dish next time!!
