
Monday, May 17, 2010

Back Bay Stroll

On Sunday I took a walk around Back Bay testing out my new camera. I purchased a Cannon Powershot SD 1300.
Loving the bright green ivy that has grown up the sides of these buildings on Comm Ave.
I also love this brickwork on Gloucester Street.
I want to live in an apartment covered in vines!
Some lovely detailing on these doors...
and beautiful flowers.
Oh hello Public Garden.
These two photos I cropped myself. You get an unbelievable clarity on the zoom.
I'm pretty impressed with my new camera so far. However, these are easy daytime shots with bright light. I also read from the manufacturers description "...bold innovations that include remarkable low light performance..." Sounds reassuring. Now I just need a dim lit restaurant to experiment.


  1. amazing photos! When my Sony Cybershot dies which I'm sure it will soon, I'll probably pick up that camera because your right, you cant really bring a bigger camera everywhere like my love Cannon G11.

  2. Love the new camera pics! I will see it this weekend. I have never been on the swan boats, we were going to do it as an outing at Spaulding but never got around to it. I kindof feel like it is slave labor because one guy moves the whole thing right?? I especially like the shots of the duckies!

  3. oooooooooooo NICE shots!! my love affair with boston begins and ends with the ivy and brick.

  4. Leah you crack me up! Slave Labor? those things move so slow! I should have put up my close up picture it looked like there were actually 2 girls on the back.

  5. Oh, Yes! New cam. Go girl! Beautiful pictures, as always. I'm so happy you found the right camera for you. It's been said that nothing dies without something else being born.

    Happy Birthday Canon PwerShot SD1300. So cute! Looks just like his Dad, but he has your nose. ;-)p
