
Monday, June 14, 2010

South Street Diner / North Street Grille

Two breakfast restaurants owned and operated by the same family - the brother owns South Street Diner and the sister owns North Street Grille. I learned this while eating breakfast at South Street Diner (pictured) on Saturday morning while chatting it up with the owner.
"Oh your sisters owns that spot, does she?" Say it ain't so. Right then and there the conversation went from friendly to awkward. Adam and I exchanged glances as we held our tongues. When we offered no words of praise on his families other breakfast location - he knew something was up. He was probably able to pick up on the looks of disgust we couldn't help but show on our faces. Awkward silence. "Yea well they do things a bit differently over there" he stated. We nodded. More awkward silence. Then he cracked a joke about how "it's the same breakfast at both spots, just $5 more at North Street Grill because of the North End location." Well he's got a point there. We concurred and all laughed at this statement.
We observed the Golden Rule. Really, it wasn't the time or the place. The time and the place would be here and now. North Street Grille is without a doubt, hands down, the worst service I have ever received to date in life. Ok so the first time it wasn't all bad. It was over priced, sure, but we went back because we're neighbors. And like good neighbors we decided to support the local place of business.
The second time around, however, was the last. After an extended wait time for a table (that was severely misjudged by the host), 45 minutes later we were finally seated. There were three of us in total who each ordered scrambled eggs and toast. As in - we ordered simple, no fuss breakfasts foods. Thirty more minutes pass. Thirty. We've questioned our waiter once, he was unhelpful. The table next to us (who arrived after us) receives their appetizers and then their entrees. My table had still received nothing except our drinks. When we inquired with our waiter, once again, we did not receive an apology to any extent. I'm talking no explanation as to our foods whereabouts, not even a simple "I'm sorry" uttered. He could barely even make eye contact with us. It was very strange. We were fully ignored and not knowing what else to do, made the executive decision that we had to leave. Our friend had to catch a train back to NYC. We left money on the table, for our drinks.

The host then proceeded to chase us down the street, SCREAMING, and was rather profane. He was yelling that we had to pay for our meal. I'm sorry now you want to pay attention to us?

What meal?! 


Then he threatened repeatedly to call the police and have us arrested. This was insane behavior. So we paid. We paid for a meal that we never saw and never ate. 

We had to catch a train. We had no choice. We had to leave! We had been there over 45 minutes waiting for the simplest of breakfasts orders - which - we were blatantly ignored when we asked about. 

At North Street Grill, they do do things differently. I was faced with the rudest service I have ever encountered in all my life. The staff was entitled and abhorrent. The other reason I felt so neglected was because North Street Grille gets some stellar reviews. Why wasn't I treated with the respect the table next to me was getting?! That party arrived after us. They were all served food before us - appetizers to boot and then piping hot, huge plates of breakfast foods. They were served TWO COURSES of food. If we got our food after another table I would not be writing this rant. If we had mediocre service I would not be ranting to this extent. But we never got food and were chased, belittled and threatened with being arrested. WHAT?!?

I take my dining experiences very personally and so I feel after blogging for 3 months, I am allowed this rant. The way we were treated was unacceptable. I always make it a point to comment on my waitstaff. So when I say ___ insert nice adjectives about waitress or waiter here, I mean it. Most of the waitstaff I encounter are super friendly. Like the guy who served us at South Street Diner on Saturday morning. Now he was a good guy. He served my breakfast 2 eggs over easy with home fries and toast ($6) promptly and with a smile.
He checked to make sure everything was OK. He brought me jam. He refilled my coffee. He acted as a normal breakfast waiter should. We paid our $17 tab and even hung out for a bit, chatting with the owner and playing tunes from the jukebox. 

So we've got two Boston breakfast joints owned by the same family that vary drastically in style, price and service. I walk by North Street Grille all the time and to this day feel a strong hatred towards them. The aura surrounding that place is nothing but negative. My dining experience there took place before III was in existence, but I felt you all needed to know what went down. South Street Diner on the contrary, came through for us yet again. Lucky for them I've decided not to hold my distaste for one sibling against the other. :)


  1. God what AWFUL service - I detest unfriendly and incompetent service and get really worked up about it (and I never go back) - go on, slag them off, that's for blogging is for!

  2. Wow. Just WOW. I cannot believe that that happened. I would send this link to the manager. Restaurant owners and managers need to make their servers aware of the fact that they never know who they're waiting on. A lot of people will read this and avoid their business. WOW.

  3. oh no, sorry to hear about the bad experience! Thanks for the warning to the rest of us!

  4. Wow that's crazy! I would have been JACKED and there would be no way I'd pay for something I never even received. I wish there was a way I could forward this to the owner lol

  5. was this the restaurant you yelped about?? it was right? dispicable!! glad that you were treated better at the brother location. i agree with melissa should email this link to both diners

  6. isn't it amazing how a restaurant can make you HATE them so quickly?! rediculous!

  7. This totally happens. There's two Tonics in DC, one near us way up in Columbia Heights that's the coziest, most welcoming dive bar full of regulars you've ever seen in your life. The bartender knows our name and our drinks, it's definitely our bar away from home.

    Then there's a Tonic down near GW University (and my office). It's college students, business people, sterile... it feels like an overpriced TGIFriday's. Who knows how the two can be so different... but I'll stick to my own.

  8. I HATE bad service! The worst. It really makes or breaks your dining experience.
