
Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Balcony Theater

When a director invites you to a private viewing of his latest feature length movie, you don't turn him down. Especially when this screening takes place at The Balcony Theater where they are known to serve the finest of concessions.
We did indeed eat and drink all of the above over the course of the day. It began with a spicy bloody mary and a bag of popcorn.
Balcony Theater beginning to make a little more sense?! My friends Marc and Lisa set up some comfy lounge chairs, tables, and an old TV on their second story porch. 
And now for our feature presentation: Slip & Fall. Directed by our host, Marc Colucci Slip & Fall is a comedy about what happens when a law student breaks the law to pay for law school.
Danny Cuemdumpstier (Sam Cohen) is dealing with an unfortunate turn of events in his life. He has no money left to pay his last semester tuition and the miserable dean of his law school (Andrew Divoff) (side note - you know him as Mikhail aka "Eye Patch Man" from Lost) is unwilling to sign a tuition wavier form necessary for graduation. Danny's boss - the school janitor (William Forsythe) a mastermind behind get-rich-quick-scams convinces Danny the only way to solve his looming problems is to stage none other than a "slip and fall". Danny wrestles his conscience and comes to the conclusion that there might be no other options if he wants to graduate. The antics which ensue as a result, introducing some bizarre characters, are both hilariously acted and brilliantly directed. Having watched and enjoyed other films directed by Colucci it was a pleasure to view his latest feature length comedy - which included real time Q&A and fun pasta.


  1. Thank for commenting on my blog. I really appreciate all of your messages. :) And that pasta looks cheesy good.

  2. That looks so fun! What a cool idea, seriously, I'm so jealous! Hope the rest of your weekend is as great as your Friday! XO!

  3. Those pretzels look SO good!

  4. SO fun! That looks like a great time. And I looooove spicy Bloody Mary's!

  5. I like the summer lunch idea and everything looks so good, execpt the bloody mary ;)

  6. Wow, The Balcony is giving The Patio a run for its money!

  7. Hot dogs are so necessary in the summer. Yum!!

  8. You have the coolest, most rad friends.

  9. haha "fun pasta" on the menu... the twirls and swirls definitely make it fun! the film looks very entertaining...i like the story behind it. glad you are feeling better dear :)

  10. This looks like a lot of fun! I love Bloody Mary's! :)

  11. Oh! What a fun way to spend the various food, have to try this in my balcony/patio :-)

  12. Oh man, how fun! Quite a spread of good movie snacks, and a clever idea all around

  13. i'm glad you included a pic because as soon as i read that menu i thought, "what'd fun pasta??"

  14. Doncha just love how a day will unfold? What a cool Friday afternoon! I hope more of your summer Fridays are filled with spontaneous fun events! ....and that you keep sharing them with us! xo Daisy's Mom
