
Monday, August 9, 2010

Egg in a Hole

Have you ever had a One Eyed Jack / Bird in a Nest / Egg in a Basket? I never had! So come Sunday morning, I made my own.
A slice of scali bread with a hole poked in the middle went into a pan over medium heat. A firm crack of the egg and it was precisely poured from the shell into the empty hole. A sunny yellow yolk pooled in the center, the clear uncooked whites bubbling over the edges. The crispy walls of toast acted as a barrier to keep all the runny egg yolk goodness in one place. Slices of mushrooms and onions sautéing on the sidelines were a welcome addition. I flipped it once, with extreme care, making sure not to damage the yolk in the process.
I can not believe what I had been missing all these years. Especially the fact that I discovered it on my own after 26 years of life. It's not like the flavors are foreign - we've all had runny eggs and toast before. However, this is a notch above. You just can't achieve the texture and taste of egg to toast otherwise. It's also in the ease and fun of the execution. This process eliminates the need for a toaster and the single act of dropping the egg into the hole is pretty fun. 
Have you ever had one for breakfast? If so, what name do they go by in your household? If not, have I at least sparked some intrigue?!


  1. i'm going to make this right now. haven't had it in years and was thinking scrambled eggs for dinner, but you have successfully saved the day!! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!


  2. I hsve never had one of these for breakfast...but I want to! Your money shots of the runny egg yolk nearly made me drool!

  3. I've made the egg and bread part before but never thought of throwing a few onions and mushrooms on it... GREAT idea!! Bet some ham or canadian bacon pieces would taste real yummy too!! As for our titles tonight... great minds definately think alike, don't they?? Love ya girl! So glad I'm back!!

  4. My kiddo and hubby love the "egg in a baskets". They like them covered in syrup though :)

  5. Interesting! I'm intrigued! May have to try this sometime. :)

  6. so yummy! i am an egg-lover, so this is right up my alley. :)

    oh, and thanks for dropping by my blog, too. i enjoy yours, your profile pic alone cracks me up! :) you'll hear from me again for sure.

  7. Oh my. Why did my parents never look something like this for me?! I must make these at home :)

  8. My family calls this eggs in a basket. I'm not an egg person though. My boyfriend is and makes this a lot. Yours looks great!

  9. I call 'em eggs in toast :) Sauteeing on the side is genius!

  10. Oooo those look awesome.. I made them for Valentines Day and used a heart cookie cutter! I made eggs the other day for my friend and I asked her how she liked hers and she said "I like them any way as long as they don't pee on me.." reminded me of my childhood self who would never go near a runny egg. But now I love them : )

  11. What's in a name? I could go for these any old morning. Lovely.

  12. I've heard of these...birds in a nest is what my family calls them. I haven't had one yet but they certainly look intriguing!

  13. haha i've heard them be called "egg in hole"
    either way they look yum!!

  14. so glad you tried it out!!! another friend called them "toad in a hole" growing up.


  15. wow, looks super yummy! thanks for sharing.


  16. I've never had one, but I do love eggs, so I'll have to try it out.

  17. Never had one but looks good! Bfast is my fave meal! ;)

  18. I'm always happy to see you cooking (even if it's something that scares me like eggs...runny.) *shivers*

    LOL =)

  19. YES ma'am. Loved those :) I do believe they were simply called egg bread in my house. Glad you enjoyed

  20. Ox-Eyed Eggs! Mr. Deer and I are on the Atkins diet this week, so we will be eating many of these, minus the bread! They look delish! XO!

  21. I love this idea and really need to try it!

  22. ive never had those... but your pictures make me go hungry :/

  23. i've always referred to these as a 'toad in a hole' but i've never actually had one. i think alex would love these... now to have all of those ingredients and a stove at the same time - harder than you think when you're homeless.

  24. I've always wanted to make these, but never have... I'm pretty sure I know them as eggs in a basket or birds in a nest. I love that you added shrooms and onions to yours!


  25. Ahhhh one eyed jacks!! Haha I'm so glad you liked it (and thanks for the shout out!) - still my favorite breakfast to date I think. And I agree, there is a certain crunch/taste factor that can't be achieved any other way. I've never added mushrooms and onions to them though? Nice touch, I'll definitely have to try it out :)

  26. So... when's breakfast?

    I've never made these but I think I've heard them called egg in a hole. My favorite breakfast has always been a piece of buttered toast topped with hash, ketchup, a poached egg (runny yolk), and a little salt and pepper. It's a similar concept.
