
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

First Homemade Pizza

Presenting the first official Pizza I've ever made on my own using none other than the recipe and techniques I learned at King Arthur Flour. Those classes at the Baking School paid off tremendously and even thought I was nervous as I set out to create my dough, I was confident in my ability at the same time. (That's right, I was nervously confident.)
Pizza Dough Ingredients:
-2 cups King Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose Flour
-1 1/4 teaspoons instant yeast
-3/4 teaspoon salt
-1 tablespoon olive oil
-1/2- 3/4 cups warm water
1) In a large mixing bowl combine the dry ingredients
2) Stir in the olive oil
3) Stir in the water, adding the last few tablespoons slowly to see if they are needed.
4) Turn the shaggy mass onto a lightly floured work surface and knead until smooth and shiny.
5) Rise the dough in an oil covered bowl until doubled in bulk
6) Turn out the risen dough into a floured surface to shape the pizza.
7) Add your toppings and cook i a 450 degree oven for 12 minutes
I find it incredibly tough to shape a round pizza. Since my pan is round, I let that aid in my endeavor and molded the dough around the pan. I added whatever ingredients I had in the fridge that seemed suitable: Garlic tomato sauce, shredded sharp cheddar cheese, ricotta cheese, onion, and some fresh basil from my plant.Basil is supposed to be added after the pizza cooks. It becomes crispy in the oven and looses its freshness. I remembered this the second after I sprinkled it on. I could always top it with fresh basil once it came out of the oven. Adam and I both thought the pizza came out pretty awesome for my first try. The actual crust was crispy, the pizza dough itself soft and slightly chewy. A crispier crust could obviously be achieved by placing the pizza directly on the oven rack, but I enjoyed the consistency of this one. I could have gone a little heavier on the sauce but overall it was flavorful and cheesy. I love ricotta cheese on pizza.
I have also been busy sorting through my summer wardrobe and perfecting my packing skills. As you read this, by now I've touched down in the Sunshine State!! I am vacationing in various parts of Florida spending quality time with family and friends. My absence is not permanent and I will return with lots of fun recaps!


  1. Ooh.. lucky girl! I won't get to FL until next Friday night, but believe me I am counting down! Hope you are having a fabulous time on the beach.

    The pizza looks great, and I am so proud of you for keeping the basil plant alive. Mine is dead. :(

  2. Loving that your nail polish matches the basil plant and the plates. Have a GREAT vacation!

  3. Making dough is one thing that I have not been able to ace :( Hope you have a grand ole time in Florida

  4. Look at you whipping up some homemade pizza! Looks awesome, I love ricotta on pizzas as well. It gets all melty and yummy...

    Have a fun vacation!

  5. I've never made my own dough but I love a homemade pizza. Yours looks fantastic!

  6. woohoo finally attempted pizza! Have fun in FL, I'm jealous.

  7. Awesome! Have fun! My dad is in Ft. Myers, we will have to have coinciding trips sometime! You know it's funny, I was actually looking at King Arthur flour the other day at the store and I thought of you! XX!

  8. Great work on that pizza dough!! Have fun on your trip!

  9. Your pizza looks delicious and I am SO proud of how your basil plant has done since the Back to Nature event! Mine would have died on arrival...

    Have a fabulous, fabulous, fabulous will be missed and I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back! xoxo

  10. Fantastic. The pizza looks great. Homemade pizza doesn't need to be perfectly round.

  11. Sooo jealous!! Get plenty of sunshine for the rest of us!

  12. The pizza sounds yummy!
    You have a great sunglasses collection. Hope you get to wear them all :)
    Enjoy your vacation!

  13. That was your first try for a pizza? It looks delicious...I'm not sure I could do that the first time around! I love ricotta on pizza, too. So good.

    Have fun on your trip! :)

  14. congrats on the pizza - looks like it was a success! have a great trip!

  15. you made a pizza! i am so proud. have so much fun little mermaid :)

  16. Yay - well done! I attempted a different (whole wheat) pizza dough since the class and it was good but not AS good. Also - ricotta on pizza is the best. Enjoy your vacation! :)

  17. Good job with the pizza! I'm so proud of you. ;-)
    Have a wonderful vacation!

  18. Your pizza looks perfect! Have a wonderful vacay!!! =)

  19. Wow I'm impressed...yum! Ricotta on pizza is so tasty!

  20. Have fun in Florida!!! I'll miss your colourful nail polishes :D

    ps. ricotta on a pizza? I got to try that! yours looks DELICIOUS :)

  21. Yum, homemade pizza!!! Hope the trip is/was great!!!
