
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Citizen Cope | House of Blues

Eclectic beats backed by bear-it-all lyrics; deeply personal and intensely powerful references to grief, love, American culture and never giving up. A mix of hip-hop, blues and folk music, sung with passion and conviction, Citizen Cope barely opens his mouth but that soothing raspy voice and his relaxed stage presence have the crowd mesmerized. He is one of my favorite singer/songwriters who a friend turned me onto with a mixed CD in college. My sister and I saw him acoustic two years ago at the Orpheum Theater (front row, hanging onto every word) and last night backed by his band at The House of Blues. For those of you mumbling to yourselves Citizen who? I'll leave you with some videos of my favorites. My apologies for the bumpy ride and the fuzzy views. It's the sound that counts!
Bullet And A Target
Let The Drummer Kick
Other favorites include: If There's Love, Son's Gonna Rise, Hurricane Waters, Pablo Picasso, and in the encore performance: Sideways.  
The House of Blues sits on Lansdowne Street across from Fenway Park. The majority of the venue is standing room with some seats located on the upper levels. We had a blast and even ran into a few high school friends from Cape Cod at the show! Post concert we made our way to The Lower Depths (which you will find a more in depth review of here, pun intended) for some food at the bar. I drank a Cisco Pumple Drumkin ($6) and ate Cheese Quesadillas ($7)Insanely good homemade salsa and guacamole accompanies them. As we paid the tab we realized it was 12:30 am and we needed to catch the last Green Line train home!
15 Lansdowne St
Boston, MA 02215


  1. Quesadillas are my go to drinking food. I almost burnt my foot making them one night after getting home from a night out. Don't ask about how my foot got near the Foreman. It was a Michael Scott moment.

    My bf loves Citizen Cope. I know a lot of his songs through him. Sounds like it was a fun show!

  2. Looks like a great time with the perfect meal to follow!

  3. I love the HOB! I've never been that thoroughly checked though! Sorry they practically tore you apart. We used to sneak nips into Avalon all the time for concerts. It was tough being underage! ;)

    I'll have to check out The Lower Depths some time, too.

    I'm glad you had fun! It looks like it was a great concert.

  4. It sounds like a great night! I'm dying to know how you rank the Pumple Drumkin among other pumpkin beers...

  5. Of COURSE you picked Bullet and a Target and Penitentiary, my two faves! Not surprising, not surprising at all. ;)

  6. Thanks for all the info on HOB... now I know what to expect tomorrow night. Looks like you guys had an awesome time!

  7. drummmer kick AND pumpkin beer!! so fun.

    the big downside to the hob is the price of alcohol. so much for a beer/drink. dont ask them to make you a white russian either. they legit fill a cup with cream. ew.

    awesome write up!

  8. Looks like such a fun time! And a pumpkin beer I haven't tried?! I will be on the lookout!

  9. Haha, you have the most awesome nail polish colours ever :D

  10. Party Animal. I think its funny that you were out super late on a school night the same evening that I went to bed at 9. I feel like an old fuddy-duddy.

    Love Lower Depths...It should be on the bar crawl...and I'm looking for that pumpkin beer this weekend.

    That is all

  11. OH, and duh, that pic of me is taken on the front patio - bar crawl...Eastern Standard, Lower Depths....

  12. Yes I was thinking Citizen Who? but I am digging the music

  13. I LOVE Pumple Drumkin!! Cisco has awesome beers! I've never been to the Lower Depths but it sounds great and my hubs would love the beer list!

  14. i love CC!! what an awesome artist ...i am sure you two had a great time!
    i would also love to taste pimple dimpleeee...maybe you can bring me a taste considering i will be seeing you in 2.5 days now!!!

  15. I loooove Citizen Cope!!! Saw him perform at a free outdoor concert a few years back, and it was such a great musical experience. Looks like you had a blast at a wonderful show!
