
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Woop Woop

Cape Cod, Vermont, Cape Cod, Vermont - Sometimes it feels like New England pulls me in all different directions, at all times! This weekend I am on the Cape. If you thought September was busy, brace yourselves for October. We've got the wedding of the year (you'll seeee), five birthdays, YES five. (Hi DeMane, LB, Ashley, Colucci and GBG, in that order!) I have plans to celebrate with some, others I've already sent my regrets. I've got blogger cocktails and dinners, a concert, and a night at the MFA all marked on the calendar and to top it all off at the end of the month, I'm going on vacation!

The title of this post is not in reference to my excitement about the month of October but to an awesome $13 bottle of wine I drank last night with my Mom, her boyfriend and my sister. A 2008 Shiraz from Australia, this wine was a big hit. It was versatile and full bodied with a soft juicy palate. I bought it because of the gorgeous picture on the bottle. Turns out Woop Woop is Outback slang for "middle of nowhere." My mom put together a delicious spread upon mine and Leah's arrival.An appetizer plate of thinly sliced Assiago cheese, olives, roasted garlic, olive oil and slices of toasted wheat ciabatta.For dinner she prepared ziti in a chunky homemade tomato basil sauce with Trader Joe's chicken sausages, peppers and onions. For dessert a homemade apple crisp with vanilla ice cream, made with locally harvested Courtland Apples. We are on Cape this weekend to celebrate my Mom's very belated birthday (which was September 17th) and to help her put on a yard sale!In between selling our quality wares we feasted on this beautiful lunch platter. 
I was particularly proud of my nature made clothing boutique. $1 per item!


  1. Sounds like a busy but fun month you have ahead of you. I wish I knew about this yard sale, I would've come after that tv!

  2. sounds like a fun weekend with the fam - I've had that wine before and really liked it!

  3. ohhh myy word. i think i might die of envy. all of that food looks amazing as does the wine! it's been super fun to try different wines in spain since i'm not legal in the US.

  4. Isn't it crazy how busy this month will be? I'm looking forward to seeing you at a few events this month though!

  5. You are one busy, busy girl! I've never had woop woop, but I might look for it and buy it just for the name haha. Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks :)

  6. The name of that wine is AWESOME. And I bet it tasted awesome too.

  7. Now I really want to try that Shiraz... you talked it up so well. Woop woop. Ha ha. Sounds like you are busy but having a lot of fun too. Looking forward to seeing you soon, I hope!

  8. Woop woop! Well, I totally can see where you get your good taste in food from! Clearly it runs in the family! Dude, your October is going to be amazing! So jealous! XX!

  9. Soooo jealous of your october! I'm pretty sure I'm just going to be working all day every day! haha

  10. Sounds like a great weekend, gotta try this wine!

  11. Sounds like a super busy but really fun month! I love shiraz - what a fun name :)

  12. A busy life is a fun one! Sounds like your living it up :) I am missing weekends jaunts to Vermont and Rhode Island this fall because my schedule is just too insane with working and classes - so yay for living vicariously through your photos!

  13. All this yummy food is making me hungry;-)
    Happy Monday to you! XX

  14. I am loving the Woop Woop! haha :)

    Hope you had a fab weekend!

  15. Love the wine name too - where did you get that? Would love to drink some Woop Woop!

  16. Hahaha love it, woop woop! Now I'll go around saying that... I want some of that garlic! And your October schedule is pretty impressive!

  17. I can't believe I haven't been to the Cape this year. Such a shame. Glad it was a fun weekend with the fam. I'm spending next weekend in Maine. LOVE how quite it is there :)

  18. I'm an olive girl so of course that olive platter looks DEE-LISH-US! And the wine? You know me too well :-)

    Oh and Sweetie, will you stop by new blog and fill out where you're located?


  19. I would have bought that wine because of the picture and name :D

  20. Wow, 5 birthdays?!? How fun!

    Also, I've tried the Woop Woop -- actually over the epic snowstorms of this year, which made it memorable, I guess!
