
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Green Cay Nature Center

Last Friday when we were still on the East Coast spending time with Nanny and Grampy, we continued the hunt for Gators at Green Cay Nature Center in Boynton Beach.

Green Cay is Palm Beach County's newest nature center.
The wetland features 1.5 miles of elevated boardwalk.
It overlooks 100 acres of constructed wetland and provides a unique experience for viewing native species of birds, gators, turtles, ducks and more!Adam and I really enjoyed our time here, cruising around the boardwalks in the hot sun and taking in the sights.When we arrived Adam immediately spotted a corn snake in the dry bushes. Some other dude jumped at the chance to pick it up, knowing it was not poisonous.
I was enamored with the turtles. Check out the claws on that one!
But the best sight by far was this guy:
We only saw one Alligator here and he was smaller in comparison. He was pretty far away, too. The Green Cay Nature Center is open Tuesday - Saturday 9 am-3 pm. (Closed Sunday and Monday).


  1. Aw! I love the turtle pictures. I would be pretty smitten with them too.

  2. Hahaha yeah I bet he loves you! :-D Isn't it cool to think that alligators are ex-dinosaurs? because they are, aren't they, they used to be around way back then, too... (well at least that's what some books say!)

  3. you took great pics. I would have been down for everything but not snake. I am deathly afraid, poisonous or not

  4. I love the turtles! These are some fabulous wildlife photos!

  5. you were feedin lil puddin' puddin' :)
    i just love cousins and cousins...hope Sanibel is treating you nice!

  6. What cute pics - love that one of you on the bike!

  7. VERY cool! Birds, turtles and gators...and bikes. hehe


  8. How cute are you riding the bike and those turtles sitting in a row, priceless.

    PS having a great giveaway, come on by and enter.

  9. Great photos!!! Looks like you had a good time!

  10. My boyfriend is an avid birdwatcher and would love that place. I'll have to show him this post!

  11. Ahhhh that snake would have freaked me out! Turtles are so cute though

  12. Lucky you! I'm assuming this is Florida, my friend has an apartment in Boynton Beach so i've been there a few times :)
    I live in Boston BTW.

  13. ahhhh snakes scare the willies out of me! That dude is very very brave! I would've freaked lol

  14. The turtles are so cute! love your skirt too :)

  15. Snakes totally freak me out but I love your photos of it and how the two go together. Jealous of your nice weather - it's been very cold in Boston!

  16. Awesome pictures!! Looks like tons of fun!

  17. Those turtles are amazing!!! Looks like an awesome trip... you're not missing much here :) And I LOVE your sunglasses!


  18. "Board meeting" kill me. Cute pics!

  19. i'm with tricia, i spit out my water when i read "board meeting"

    you saw a gator AND so many turts! The one turtle looks like he is waving to you! hii mr turtle.

  20. Your dress is very pretty! it seems you're having an amazing time, even with snakes :D
