
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Key Lime Bistro & The Bubble Room | Captiva

The last experiences to share on this blissful, relaxing, warm, sunny, picture perfect island vacation off the coast of southwest Florida are two super fun must-visit spots on Captiva. My time on Sanibel & Captiva would not be complete if I let these places fall by the wayside. I didn't eat dinner at either. What won me over at Key Lime Bistro was the Key Lime Pie, and at The Bubble Room, the atmosphere. But let's get to that in a minute.
We scored a front row table on Key Lime Bistro's patio for the live entertainment duo of the evening "Carey & Gary". Mike and I are enjoying Frozen Butterslides ($10) Van Gough Vodka, Kahlua, Bailey's Irish Cream and Butterscotch schnapps.
Adam enjoyed something new and different - a draft beer, while Dave tried a Dirty Girl Scout ($10) Green Cream de Menthe, Bailey's Irish Cream, Cream de Cacao.
Tricia sipped a Key Lime Martini Van Gough Citroen Vodka, KeKe Key Lime Liqueur, pineapple juice and a splash of key lime juice. The service was exceptionally slow, but we chalked it up to the frozen drinks. Our server himself was unfriendly and we chalked it up to him disliking tourists who order frozen drinks. Sometimes even a smile goes a long way to make you feel welcome. No worries though because the Homemade Award Winning Key Lime Pie ($8) made my night.
I guess a place named Key Lime Bistro better have an awesome key lime pie! This blew me away. Smooth creamy custard with robust flavors of tart key lime topped with frothy whipped cream over a pool of sweet raspberry lime sauce to the rescue.

Our next stop was The Bubble Room right down the street at 15001 Captiva Dr SW. It was closed! And it was still pretty early. We decided to check out the exterior and had a ball doing so.Good times. Since all we could do was run around like idiots in Bo Bo's cage, we decided to return on our next Captiva Visit! (After the second Mucky Duck Sunset and before drinks at The Timbers.)
The inside revealed:
A plethora of kitschy Christmas decorations, children's toys and vintage artifacts fill the spaces of this funky feel good Captiva hot spot. A wraparound fish tank lines dining room walls and tabletops are collaged with disco records and party favors. Retro décor outlines the windows and walls.Our plan was to grab a drink at the bar, but it ended up being so packed we passed and just caroused the interior until we had our fill.
That's The Bubble Room in a nutshell. Word of mouth is the food's not that good anyways....
It hurt my heart to leave this place.
Knowing Disney World awaited us definitely dulled the pain.


  1. That picture of key lime pie is incredible! I really can't stop looking at these pictures from your trip...looks like you had so much fun!

  2. The Bubble Room looks like a riot! It sort of reminds me of the Friendly Toast but way wackier.

  3. Dirty Girl Scout deserves an award for the most original and coolest name for a drink. Ever.

  4. Oooh, you went to Disney too? Awesome! You know in all the years I have been going to Ft. Myers I have never been to the Bubble Room, going to have to remedy that I can see! XX!

  5. It sounds like a fantastic vacation on that beautiful beach! It's winter here, so I must admit I envy you! And that key lime pie looks like a piece of art! Yummy!

  6. Wow! That key lime pie looks awesome. Someone there has some amazing plating skills!

  7. oh that key lime pie looks like it should be in a magazine!

  8. Your tan is gorgeous! I'm sure you had an amazing time :) and hey, such a bright dessert that key lime pie!

  9. What a fun place! Looks like such a great time. I understand why it hurt your heart to leave. =(

  10. It hurt my heart that this post is over! you are a hoot! If the waiter doesn't agree with tourists, live music and frozen drinks he should probably start working for The Bubble Room.

  11. That pie looks delish! LOOOVE key lime pie.
