
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Lighthouse Beach | Sanibel Island

I'm home! 13 nights in three different beds will make your own feel like heaven. It is nice to be back in Boston but man does work sound like a horrible idea. 

Disney was a blast! A complete whirlwind, a little colder temperatures than expected, but a blast none the less. I hadn't been to Disney World since I was 16. (Ten years!) Just long enough where you realize it's time to return to one of the happiest places on earth. But until those recaps, moments on Sanibel Island I must share.....
A beach walk with Adam to the Sanibel Lighthouse. Since 1950 the U.S. Coast Guard property at the Sanibel Lighthouse has actually been a wildlife refuge.

There is Fort Myers in view across the southernmost tip of Sanibel where San Carlos Bay meets The Gulf of Mexico.
Sanibel and Captiva Islands (Captiva is just north of Sanibel) are ranked among the top in the world for shelling, so I was all about collecting treasures. The position of Sanibel Island physically acts like a shovel scooping up all the seashells from the Gulf!The infamous act of shelling here is known as the "Sanibel Stoop". (You see people hunched over along the shores looking for these precious gems.)
Check out my loot!
I think the bottom right shell looks like it has a palm tree sculpted into it.The sun at our backs, above. Walking into the sun, below.
Another fun activity to partake in while vacationing in Sanibel is bike riding! We ventured out one morning after mimosas and bagels by the pool. (Another little perk of this condo company!) We looped around Causeway Road and under the bridge.We ventured down Periwinkle Way as far as our hungover legs would peddle us in the hot sun. We stopped to hike a trail through the Periwinkle Nature Preserve where I saw some neat looking plants and flowers. 
The morning of our last day we took yet another walk on the beach. It was super windy and temperatures dropped significantly from the perfect 80 degrees and sunny experienced throughout the week. Exploring the beach never gets old, no matter the weather.
Treasures washed up on shore included a Grouper Fish and a neat looking crab shell. We frolicked among the trees and funky looking driftwood. As we walked home the sun came out and the temps rose.We spent our last afternoon swimming and sunning at the pool, as well as playing shuffleboard and tennis! (With drinks in hand.) I wish we never had to leave. Sanibel Island is pure h e a v e n!


  1. Your vacation looks like it was a total blast. I really want to go to Sanibel Island now!

  2. Welcome home! I cannot get over how tan you are in the photos. JEALOUS!!!!!

  3. Daisy...great great pictures...enjoyed going through them...thanks!

  4. That leaf/flower with the red bottom is AMAZINGLY GORGEOUS! And you my dear, that tan!!! Stunning!! Can't wait to see you Saturday... Thanks for keeping us all in the loop during your trip :)

  5. this looks like a great vacation. Sunny days and a beach are far better than the cold winds and snow I have been experiencing at the home front

  6. Yay for Disney! And a tan! And 7 days of's gettin' kinda crazy!!

    ps-welcome home :)

  7. Looks like a wonderful time -- I think my fav picture is the lady pouring the mimosas! Welcome back!!!

  8. What a fun trip! I loved looking at your pictures - now I'm so ready for another vacation :)

  9. I just love Sanibel!! My family went for a few years when I was a teen and most recently 3 years ago for a winter getaway. Looks like it's beautiful weather!

  10. My sister and her family go to Sanibel, and it looks amazing! I want to go with them next year!
    Welcome home, hope to see you soon!

  11. So happy you made it home safe! Sanibel has the best shells, I swear! You are looking fab, enjoy your tan, you'll be the only one in Boston! XX!

  12. I am so seriously jealous of your vacation, looks like you're having a blast!
