
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Creamy White Chicken Chili

It is taking the world by storm! I first spotted Jenna's recipe back in September and then The Pioneer Woman's more recently. I discussed the recipe over dinner with my friend Corinne who made a version and attested that it was definitely a must-make! Local bloggers picked up on the trend too. Bianca made it in November, Jennifer made it two weeks ago, and Alicia made it most recently! Alicia and I had a similar discussion over lunch one day, about how good it sounded and that we couldn't wait to make it. I knew it was only a matter of time.
My recipe is an adaptation/combination of Jenna's 30 minute version and Pioneer Woman's 2 hour version. Jenna's adds cubed chicken breasts (raw, added right to the pot in the beginning) where Pioneer Woman's calls for shredded chicken (cooked, added towards the end of the process.) I had breasts defrosted so I cubed them and went that route. I incorporated more of the spices plus a jalapeno that Pioneer Woman's called for, where Jenna's used fewer spices/no jalapeno. And so on and so fourth until I had I created a spicy, more soupy, but also creamy version that I'm proud to call my own. I suggest you jump on this bandwagon not because everyone else is, but because this is about the tastiest, most delightful, hearty, soul warming bowl of comfort with leftovers that go on for days. Trust me, and trust the aforementioned bloggers and friends who've made it too.
1 lb boneless skinless chicken breast, cubed
1 whole medium onion, diced
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 cans cannellini beans, rinsed and drained
2 14.5 ounce cans chicken broth
2 4 ounce cans chopped green chilies
1 whole jalapeno, diced
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp paprika
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1/4 tsp white pepper
1 cup whole milk
2 tablespoons cornmeal
sour cream for garnish
shredded Monterey jack cheese for garnish
cilantro for garnish
warm tortillas for dipping
In a large pot over medium high heat add olive oil and sauté the onions and garlic for two minutes. Add the chicken and sauté for about six minutes more, or until the chicken is seared and the onion is translucent.
Add the cannellini beans, green chilies, jalapeno, chicken broth and spices and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Then mix the milk with the cornmeal and pour into the chili. Cook for an additional 10 minutes to thicken.
Garnish with shredded cheese, sour cream and cilantro. Serve alongside warmed flour tortillas. The end result is a creamy broth with a consistency that dances a fine line between soup and stew with hearty chunks of tender white chicken and smooth cannellini beans in every spoonful. With a spice that you can embrace, it lingers long enough to clear the sinuses without overwhelming the palate. Thinly shredded Monterey Jack cheese coats the surface in melty goodness and a spoonful of sour cream adds a cool contrast. A dash of cilantro adds brightness both in color and flavor. Creamy White Chicken Chili - make some tonight!


  1. FYI: your blog always makes me hungry.

  2. You go, girl! Love how you took this and made it your own. And I'm sure you are really enjoying it with all this crazy cold Boston weather we are having!

  3. I love that you used two different recipes as inspiration but then really did your own thing. I definitely want to jump on this bandwagon!

  4. It's so freaking good isn't it! YUM!

  5. Love this! I just told Alicia that I made some again last week. Next time I will add jalapenos or problanos too (or maybe both??)

  6. That looks great. I'd never heard of this until I saw it on Alicia's blog. Now I really want to try it if you gave it the thumbs up.

  7. I've made it two!! A Few times! I used the recipe from Annie Eats and I used pickled jalapenos : )
    So good

  8. I am totally making this when I get back. With lots and lots of tortilla chips for dipping!

  9. Oh wow. This looks so comforting and delicious! Thanks for the recipe.

  10. Yah, so glad you liked it. We chomped on it for days! I am always pleased with Pioneer Woman.

  11. holy mother of pearl. i want some of this STAT.

  12. Oh my yours looks tasty. I must research a vegetarian version.

  13. looks yummy and perfect for snowy now and every day this past winter so far lol.

  14. oh that is perfect for another chili night!

  15. What a delicious looking chili, love the cannellini beans, this is a terrific recipe for this cold snowy weather!

  16. Now this looks like my kind of meal girl!! Especially for those up here in the North Pole (ok, ok, MN)!! ;-) Printing it off now...

    Happy Thursday Darling! xo

  17. It's only a matter of time before I make this as well. Looks delish.

  18. best tasting bandwagon!!!!!!! i love that you combined the two recipes to make your own :)
