
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bacon & Mushroom Grilled Cheese

I can't seem to kick this raspy throated-dry eyed-nasal drip-foggy headed-down and out feeling. I'd like to blame the pollen; I've seen a lot of allergy-related tweets and the sneezes followed by god-bless-you's over cubicle walls have been at an all time high. I've lived with allergies a good portion of my life and either they are way worse this year or I have some sort of bug. In happier times, I made grilled cheese for dinner. I like this quote and it seems perfect to precede some yummy GCs on the blog. I only had shredded cheese but that worked out just fine. Wheat bread and a handful of cheddar plus bacon and sauteed mushrooms to kick things up a notch. They say bacon makes everything better. I'm not one for annoying foodie cliches but the bacon definitely helped the sandwiches cause last night. This is short, obviously because but I'm sick. And the Celtics Playoffs are on! And my nose won't stop dripping.
Are you suffering from pollen fever? What are your favorite Grilled Cheese toppings?


  1. i love the addition of the mushrooms!

  2. Oh my gosh this looks delicious. My allergies have been acting up too. Let's hope we all get better soon!

  3. This looks like the best comfort food ever. Mushrooms on grilled cheese are the best.

  4. Sorry to hear you're sick! Maybe some tomato soup with the grilled cheese will do the trick?! Feel better soon!

  5. I haven't had allergy problems in years until this year. I honestly didn't even recognize it as allergies. So they must be bad for everyone if I am having issues!

  6. Oh dear, I hope you get better...this is calling my name - great idea.

  7. My allergies are driving me absolutely nuts!!! This grilled cheese looks fab! I definitely think bacon makes anything better.

  8. my allergies have been aweful this year :( and then i got some bug last week... not fun. this grilled cheese looks fabulous. i haven't made one in awhile, but i can't get the bacon jam out of my head that The_SBK put on hers :)

  9. My allergies are awful too! You can see the pollen on my (black) car... it's gross!

    I love grilled cheese and with bacon and mushrooms?! You can't go wrong!

  10. I know I've been complaining about my allergies non-stop...I hope you get some relief soon!

  11. wow that is heavenly!!! anything with bacon, i am there :)

  12. ps- no worries bout my name spellling, lol. happens more than you know! ;)

  13. that looks good but I am an old fashioned lady, I like just cheese and bread :)

  14. I suffer from a ton of allergies and always have some anti-histamine on hand. Hope you feel better soon! I usually like my grilled cheese plain but anything with bacon is something I can't say no to!

  15. this looks like the perfect sandwich to get your feeling better!

  16. My car is COVERED in pollen -- I'm not used to all this g-damn nature. I used to live in BACK BAY. So in short, I'm not feeling too top notch. Get yourself some traditional medicinals throat coat tea and local helps.
    miss you daisy!

  17. Love it! Hope you feel better!!

  18. This grilled cheese sounds awesome with bacon and mushrooms, yummy!

  19. Mmm, now I'm craving grilled cheese! Hope you feel better soon!
