
Monday, June 27, 2011

Gloria's Olives in a Bag

Recently a friend passed along Gloria's Harvest Olives for me to sample. I had never heard of this product but being a fan of olives was happy to try them out.I'll admit I was a skeptic about the bag until I gave these all natural pitted Greek olives a chance. Gloria's Harvest Olives are grown in the ancient fertile lands of the Mediterranean Coast and imported and distributed to certain states throughout the US. The pitted salad mix contained a well rounded variety of kalamata, green, black and blonde olives. They are hand picked and naturally cured, the flavor blend of olive oil, vinegar, sea salt, herbs and spices is truly fantastic. So, why the bag? Gloria's Harvest organization is committed to not only a high quality product but to sustainability and the preservation of our roots in mother earth. Shipping glass and brine half way around the world was not a carbon foot print they were interested in supporting. The innovative solution yielded a sophisticated 3 ply aluminate bag that allows for extended shelf lives without unnatural preservatives being added. (source)
They are conveniently pitted, fresh tasting and perfect for an easy hors d'ouvres option or a compliment to an antipasti! I encourage skeptics to give them a try. I think you will be pleasantly surprised. You can find these bagged olives at your local grocery stores produce section. Have you ever tried Gloria's Olives?


  1. I never thought about the carbon footprint of the bottles or cans for olives. Great review!

  2. Interesting, would definitely make for a lighter load when taking them on a picnic!

  3. Interesting reasons behind the bag. I'll keep an eye out for these.

  4. I saw a bunch of vacuumed sealed bags of olives and Greece and thought it was a bit weird - now I know why! Good rational and they taste good, win win

  5. wow, this is crazy, but totally cool! i'll have to look for them :)

  6. i've never seen these before- they look fun to try!

  7. Interesting... I'm not much of an olive eater - I wish I enjoyed them more! I'll pass this along to my Mom & hubby though, they adore olives!

  8. These look great! I love olives, but usually buy the jarred kind - and hate the artificial aftertaste. Thanks for the tip!

  9. I haven't tried Gloria's Olives...but I do love olives so will keep an eye out.


  10. I've never seen bagged olives before. I will definitely keep an eye out for these!

  11. What a great idea! And how awesome is it that none of that delicious greek olive flavor had to be sacrificed AND the environment benefited as well. It makes you wonder where else companies could do better to reduce the carbon foot print. =)

  12. I must admit I am not a fan of Olives, they just dont do it for me but you gotta like a company that tries to be green

  13. I'm going to have to look for these. I love olives and love places that have the "olive bar".

  14. I never thought about the issues that came along with that little glass jar. I feel smarter having read this ;)

  15. i haven't but yum i love all kinds of olives!

  16. Never had these but going to try them! Thanks for sharing.

  17. I love the idea of the bag! More brands should do that.

  18. Interesting! I actually like that more and more companies are using unconventional packaging to reduce the carbon footprint and even save on shipping costs (for them... and hopefully that somewhat translates to the consumer price too). These sound delicious! :)

  19. Delicious, make sure you buy 2 bags. yummy

  20. These olives are fabulous! They are available in the organic produce section at Jewel Food stores. Expensive when not on sale. But, oh are they good...

  21. I love these olives but can no longer find them for sale! What happened to Gloria's Harvest Olives?

  22. I love these olives but can no longer find them! What happened to Gloria's Harvest Olives?
