
Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Joys of June

I blinked and June was over! Despite its fleeting presence, I somehow managed to pack a lot in. Here's a round up of the things I ate / saw / made / did this month to kick-off summer in the city that didn't get a post all their own. 
Ice Cream Sundae @ Emack & Bolio's
Nothing embraces hot summer evenings (hey, there has been a select few) like a trip for ice cream sundaes. Its all about gelato where I live in Little Italy, but when I crave ice cream - Emack & Bolio's at Long Wharf!I am into the Grasshopper Pie which contains creme de menthe liquor with Oreo chunks and chocolate flakes. Top it with warm hot fudge, fresh whipped cream and chunks of peanuts and pecans and you've got a seriously good sundae.
Paul Simon Concert at The House of Blues.
Located on Lansdowne Street across from Fenway Park, The House of Blues is always a fun venue for live music and dancing. My whole life I've been wanting to see Paul Simon in concert; I grew up to the tunes of Graceland, it still ranks up there as one of my favorite albums of all time. He played a number of songs off that album and many more of the classic tunes I know and love him for. It was a truly memorable evening and I hope he comes back to Boston soon!
Layered Taco Salad - recipe courtesy of Chelsee @ We Are Not Martha.
This awesome recipe calls for making your own taco seasoning and mixing dressing from scratch.
This salad was so good and yielded an insane amount of leftovers. I ate it every day for lunch the entire week after I made it. Thanks so much to Chelsee for the recipe inspiration.
Boating in Essex, MA
My sister's boyfriend grew up nearby and some of his friends were nice enough to invite us out on their boats for the day. Essex is a picturesque coastal New England town on the North Shore of Massachusetts - home to beaches and waterways perfect for boating, relaxing, drinking, grilling, swimming and fishing.Which is just what we did on Saturday, June 18th. It was gorgeous and sunny with no rain in sight until the final boat ride home, where we experienced a heavy downpour followed by a rainbow spanning its full arch across the marsh! It was a breathtaking sight but my camera was packed safely away from the rain. Happy Birthday to my sis! We drank vodka raspberry lemonades and grilled some marinated shrimp, along with burgers and chicken. This is what summer days are made for! I felt incredibly blessed for this day since I am usually mulling about the city.

Belgian Poutine ($8) @ Saus
One of my favorite spots to open this year is Belgian street food haven Saus. The team at Saus perfects the art of fusing traditional Belgian frites into this infamous dish native to Canada and the very Northern parts of Maine and New Hampshire. Hand cut potatoes are deep fried and piled with heaping helpings of dense haphazardly shaped cheddar cheese curds, then slathered with rich, made-from-scratch savory brown gravy. The cheese curds are mildly salty with a unique springy texture that makes them rather fun to eat. Thick and silky, the gravy coats the crispy fries without overwhelming their texture. I crave this dish on a fairly regular basis!
Chicken Stir Fry w/ Edamame Slaw
This ones all my own. It combines frozen edamame, shredded carrots, shredded cabbage and cilantro with chicken in a ginger-soy-teriyaki sauce.
It was a delicious, quick and easy creation.
Did the month of June fly by for anyone else?! What are you looking forward to in July?


  1. I feel the same way! And July is going to fly by even faster! Eesh. would you know, I've never had emack and bolio's. I need to get on that stat.

  2. I loved this post! It is so great to see all the things you've been making and doing.The taco salad looks awesome! June definitely flew by. I cannot believe we are heading into July already!

  3. June absolutely did fly by! The ice cream in this post is killing me right now. Detox, Day 9!

    I love June because it's still not hot in LA but it still feels like summer. It's July when things start getting rough!

  4. Looks like you have had a good month! That Poutine at Saus is incredible - they managed to get actual squeaky curd cheese...

  5. I love these monthly re-caps! June flew's to a warmer July!

  6. yes this year in general is FLYING! Please post that recipe...i love edamame!

  7. while everything looks delicious my mind is still consumed with thoughts of the Ice Cream Sundae

  8. I just had cake batter ice cream at Emack's the other day. DElISH!

  9. June totally did fly by - and, as always, it looks like you made the most of it. I love that edamame dish. Looks so simple, satisfying and healthy!

  10. Summer is going by WAY too fast and I am not ready for fall. I need to immediately begin eating sundaes every day to savor the moments of summer. Starting NOW!!


  11. The month totally flew by! You did some good cooking and eating in June! :)

  12. I agree- WHERE did June go?! And now I suddenly want a huge ice cream sundae :) Your month looks like it was fabulous!


  13. I could go for some emack and bolios right about now! Fun fact...I worked with a patient who was good friends with the owner of emack and bolios and he said it was named for two bums that hung around his first ice cream business, or something like that...

  14. I know, I can't believe it's already July - I'm in denial! Looks like you packed a bunch of fun in June :)

  15. I agree that the month of June flew by...My year of weddings starts in July....!
