
Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Vacation is on the horizon!! I can barely contain my excitement over here as I finalize packing and other necessary travel preparations. My Labor Day Weekend has been super low key as a result. In between outfit planning (what to bring, what not to bring, these are tough decisions!) and finishing all the food in my fridge, I sprawled out on the Greenway. Last year I was living it up on Cape Cod (and I was sad to miss all the fun this year.) Here are my recaps from 2010:
Welcome To The Beach
Beach Biscuits Bocce Boats & Beer
Still Recapping Labor Day Weekend....How did you spend the long weekend? Were you savoring summer or looking towards fall? (Or perhaps a little of both?)


  1. Have a GREAT trip! Looking forward to hearing all about it in a few weeks.

  2. Love the anticipation of vacation, there is nothing better!

  3. hope you have a great trip! i actually made it to the cape this past weekend and had a fantastic time :)

  4. This weekend I sanded & stained the new deck, planted peas, saw the new Planet of The Apes movie, and listened to some great music at Harvest Gallery Wine Bar. Jerry Portnoy is a masterclass harmonica musician (used to play with Muddy Waters)that brought on two encore's!
    Have so much fun on your vacation!

  5. cant wait to hear all about this trip!

  6. So excited for you and your vacation! Have a safe and fun trip!

  7. Have a great time!!!!! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back.

  8. Hope you have a wonderful vacation!

  9. where are you going on vaca?! have a blast...

  10. I cleaned! The weather was bad, so all plans were cancelled...but my place looks nice.

  11. Have a wonderful vacation, Daisy!

    It felt like fall today, but unfortunately it's short-lived (for now, anyway).

    Hope your vacation is as lovely as your Labor Day weekend was!

  12. We definitely savored summer. Have a great trip, I will miss you, and I can't wait to get together for fun fall events!

  13. Ooh yay! Have an awesome time of vacation!! Can't wait to see lots and lots of photos of food and more!!


  14. Anticipation is have the fun of vacation. Safe travels! Have a wonderful time.
