
Friday, December 23, 2011

Holiday Wishes

To my friends and blog readers near and far, wishing you and yours a peaceful and happy holiday.Lately I've been nestled on the couch in front of our tree with my laptop and a hot cup of English tea, or a large bowl of homemade chicken tortilla soup.
I have been battling that awful virus, I know you know the one - where your throat feels swollen to the point of making it hard to breath, a hacking cough that just won't.go.away and becoming ridiculously exhausted after the slightest task.
I'm finally getting better though and looking forward to a relaxing Christmas split between my family on Cape Cod and Adam's family in Quincy.In the coming weeks you can expect to see more London posts, and I'm even getting back to my roots with some North End restaurant reviews slated to kick off 2012. There's lots to look forward to! Many thanks for another year of reading III; I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a happy holiday celebration!


  1. Feel better soon! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas!

  2. Feel better, friend! Sending you and Adam all the best, and looking forward to fun with you in 2012! xo

  3. I hope you feel better soon! Being sick is really the worst...

    I LOVE your colored lights! I am so jealous of them!

  4. Feel better Daisy and have a wonderful holiday. As always I absolutely love your photos!!

  5. Sorry to hear you've been sick!! Here's to hoping you feel 100% soon and have a happy holiday. I love the bright star on your tree!

  6. im loving all the colors

  7. oh no- hope you feel better! thanks for your nice comment this week about my grandpa. merry xmas :)

  8. I'm glad you're feeling better!! Merry Christmas!!


  9. Feel better and Merry Early Christmas!

  10. Happy Holidays!

    I can't wait to see what travels 2012 has in store for you. I live vicariously (and pick up tips) through your fantastic blog.

    Feel better soon!

  11. Hope you are feeling better and getting in some good-quality relaxation! Merry Christmas :)

  12. You have quite the beautiful sight from your spot on the couch, but hopefully you're feeling better now. Merry christmas!

  13. I hope you are feeling much, much better and that you had a wonderful Christmas! :)

  14. HOpe you had an aweome Christmas Daisy!! See you soon I hope!

  15. Yes, I do know the one! Lovely Christmas holiday with you & Adam, dear daughter of mine.

  16. Hope you're feeling better. I think Jeff has what you had. :( Hope you had a very merry Christmas!
