
Monday, December 12, 2011

Monte Urgull | San Sebastian

Oh hi, dear readers! I'm back yet again with more pictures of San Sebastian, Spain - because if the last sets of images hadn't already convinced you to book a trip, these will!
P.S. I just got back from a weekend in London! As in, I flew five hours across the Atlantic Ocean on Thursday night and seven hours back on Monday morning, all before I even had a chance to tell you I was going. (Which means - let the European travel blogging continue; I have lots of fun details to share!) But for now, back to our regularly intertwined / never ending Spain posts.
On a most relaxing afternoon stroll along the splendid San Sebbie shores, the sun finally decided to grace us with her long awaited presence. Still making up her mind about weather to shine for longer than 15 minutes at a time, at least the rain was done!
As we were wandering the harbor and the winding roads surrounding the outskirts of the Old Quarter we decided to trek to the top of Mount Urgull.
It was past prime sunbathing hours and so on a spontaneous decision, the swift yet steep climb began. It was not without breathtaking views of the crescent shaped shores surrounded by the colorful harbor; situated before it a posh seaside city scape and behind it the vast mountains of Basque Country as they sweep through a cloudy blue sky.What I'm saying is, a climb to the top of Monte Urgull is rather quick, far from strenuous, and worth it for the views alone.At the top, Mount Urgull boasts a large statue of Jesus. Even from the base, he can be seen poking out of the trees and looking down over the foothills. Among the flat topped peak you will also find the abandoned yet fairly well kept ruins of Castillo De Santa Cruz de la Mota, a historical battle fortress. The small castle with dark narrow passageways and weathered stairwells invites you to explore within its chiseled stone walls.
I should also note, these explorations are free of charge - no entrance fee or ticketing. This was definitely a nice change of pace from what we were used to in Madrid and Barcelona! We saw others on our journey but at times it felt like we had the place all to ourselves. This made for a serene and peaceful afternoon. The hike and historical castle combined with the rewarding panoramic views definitely marked Monte Urgull a city highlight, I would happily encourage this activity to travelers of San Sebastian. Pack a picnic to enjoy at the top, or, work up an appetite and venture into one of the many pintxos bars nearby once you have completed the descent.I am so so tired. The London jet lag isn't as severe compared to Spain, but is present none the less. It is 9:20 pm as I finish this post, and I am ready for bed!! 


  1. I love all these Spain posts, just reminds me of what an amazing place it is and definitely worth a return trip.

  2. Oh I am convinced! Make no mistake about it ;)

  3. I love that pic of the flowers around the window. So pretty!

  4. I am definitely convinced! These photos are gorgeous, and the one of you and Adam on the wall is so cute. I miss you!

  5. You and Adam look so adorable and happy in these photos!

    I can't wait to hear about London. You're such a jet-setter these days!

  6. That town is on my list! Gorgeous photos!

  7. These photos are absolute torture as I look at them in my Wakefield, Mass. cubicle. ;)

  8. gorgeous!! and you already had me convinced ;)

  9. Gorgeous pics as usual. That trek looks like a lot of fun!

    Can't wait to hear about London!

  10. I said it before but I'll saying it, this place looks gorgeous. Now I want to hear more about this trip to London!!

  11. You have to make prints of these for your walls.

  12. Oh Daisy, these pics are beautiful! I can't believe how pretty everything looks - and all of that stonework is amazing.

    Hope you are catching up on sleep now! Welcome back!

  13. I'm definitely craving a vacation now! And can't wait to hear about London.
