
Monday, February 20, 2012

North End Progressive Dinner Part 1 | Fiore

Pre Dinner Cocktail
Girlfriends and I kicked off a 5 stop Saturday night tour-de-north-end at Ristorante Fiore. We caught up over martinis at the sparkling granite bar where I sipped one of their specialties made with a sturdy amount of gin, fresh muddled basil and lime. It was equal parts herbal and refreshing, but mostly it was strong. Really strong. As we progressed to the next location, I was already feeling buzzed, not to mention ready to fill my empty stomach with some of the North Ends finest cuisine. And especially to be spending time with some of my favorite ladies.
Stay tuned this week for a new post on the progressive dinner each day!

Read about a previous visit to Fiore (the roof deck) here.


  1. I had so much fun on Saturday. My limoncello martini definitely got me going for the evening as well!

  2. You are quick! :) Such a fun night!

  3. Can't believe you have a post up already. Expect mine in about 2 weeks... ha. Looking forward to reading the rest and reliving such a fabulous night!

  4. I'd die for a sip of this martini right now. Looks so refreshing!

  5. sturdy amounts of liquor always make me hungry too :)

  6. Sounds like a strong martini. I need to start drinking there ;)

  7. I'm making it a goal of mine this spring/summer to visit the Fiore roof deck. LOVE drinks with basil and/or lime

  8. cant' wait to read about it! LOVE that first picture!

  9. Sounds like you ladies had a great night - looking forward to hearing about it!

  10. What a great idea! I cannot wait to read all about this delicious nice.

  11. I LOVE the basil martini at Fiore! Sounds like a fun night.

  12. Love progressive dinner parties! Been dying to do one in my own neighborhood.

    That drink looks great - I like that you can actually see pieces of the muddled basil and lime, it looks super refreshing!
