
Sunday, February 10, 2013

still here

Ten days into February and finally some inspiration. There was a walk during the early hours of the blizzard Friday evening and attempting to traipse through the backyard under a good two to three feet of snow the next morning. But mostly it has been time spent indoors, I'm still icing a painful foot injury sustained sometime towards the end of this night; what a wedding though! 

Long Trail / a cheese board with manchego, ricotta salata, creamy havarti, pecans and fig spread / Frangelico spiked hot chocolate / and greasy bacon, egg and cheese breakfast sandwiches also make an appearance. 

More of Nemo coming soon!


  1. You look so cozy on the couch! Sounds like you survived the blizzard! I'm seeing if I can muster the energy to put together a Nemo post. Took tons of pictures anyways!

  2. you make the blizzard look like something to look forward to! hope your injury gets better soon!

  3. Being snowed in is always a good time to hunker down and make some awesome food. Great blog :)

  4. No better way to enjoy a blizzard than with a delicious cheese plate! Good call!

  5. Lovely pictures. Totally jealous of the snow... wish we had some here in Australia. I love your page and enjoy seeing your posts.

  6. Happy to see you made the most of the storm! So pretty here in Charlestown :)

  7. Happy to see you made the most of the storm! So pretty here in Charlestown :)

  8. Our blizzard fare looks very similar to yours. That spiked hot chocolate sounds awesome!

  9. Hope your foot feels better soon! And glad you made the most of the snowstorm. :)

  10. Oh man, sorry to hear about your foot and hope it's not too much trouble getting around in the snow! (I bet there is a good story about exactly how it happened though!)

  11. cheese!! and breakfast!! hope your foot is feeling better :) sign of a good night?

  12. Your pictures make the blizzard look so cozy and fun!

  13. You always loved the snow. I especially like the picture of you in waist deep snow.
