
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

march 17.

I could not imagine celebrating St. Patrick's Day any other way, than with a corned beef and cabbage dinner and a green beer at Durgin Park. This is a tradition FIVE years running, and definitely the reason I look forward to this holiday. (That along with a reminder of how good Guinness is and the once a year Shamrock Shake from McDonald's. Guilty.)


  1. Looks like an awesome way to spend the day! We went home to CT and my mom made corned beef and cabbage (and potatoes and carrots). Can't imagine celebrating the day without it!

  2. My mom always used to make boiled potatoes, carrots, and cabbage on Sundays. I miss that, and your meal reminded me of those days! I also had a sip of my nephew's Shamrock Shake a few weeks ago, and it was DELICIOUS. No shame!

  3. I've got to have my corned beef with mustard. Glad to see it on your plate!

  4. I'm so bummed I didn't have any corned beef and cabbage this year! Living vicariously through you...

  5. I love this tradition! And I've never had a Shamrock Shake...


  6. Oh man, St. Patrick's Day celebrations are the best!

  7. I love Shamrock Shakes, but I never made it to McDonald's to get one this year! Bust.

  8. A once a year dinner that cornbeef, cabbage & carrots - Yummy!
