
Monday, June 29, 2015

Red Cat Kitchen @ Ken'n'Beck | Oak Bluffs

Our night on Martha's Vineyard celebrating Alex's 30th Birthday was one for the books. The Red Cat Kitchen at Ken'n'Beck came highly recommended for dinner. We decided to partake in the Chef's Whim Tasting - which is strictly for folks with zero food aversions or food allergies. The entire table must agree to participate and decide on a number of courses (we chose four). Chef-owner Ben Deforest calls it The Wild Ride.

Lobster Bisque | the late great Stew Rounsville's recipe
Island Smoked Bluefish | baby heirloom tomato salad with grilled bread, preserved lemon and extra virgin olive oil
Tempura Salmon | sweet corn risotto, watermelon, cucumber & feta salad
Grilled Porterhouse | fennel ver jus, whipped sweet potatoes & grilled asparagus

Cocktails: Basil Gimlet and Sazeracs

This was unanimously one of the best meals we've had in a long time. And that was perhaps some of the best lobster bisque I've had, ever. Every course was special - well thought out, creative and perfectly executed. The vibe of this tiny spot with low lighting, chill music, and eclectic artwork from local artists can't be beat! 

14 Kennebec Ave
Oak Bluffs, MA 02557


  1. I've been dying to go to Martha's Vineyard! This looks like a great spot :)


  2. Noted for our next Vineyard trip!
