
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Multnomah Falls + Oneonta Gorge | Oregon

Multnomah Falls is something else. Majestic, towering, touristy and crowded; a vision among waterfalls standing at 620 feet, she is the 4th tallest in the nation. We hiked the trail to the top with a total of 11 switchbacks for some vertigo inducing views of the waterfall over a ledge and a beautiful Columbia River panorama. I didn't read anything about the "face" in the falls, but there totally is one! 

Oneonta Gorge is situated just before the Byway joins I-84 in Dodson. You can hike into the gorge, but first you have to deftly maneuver over a massive log jam. Then you'll plunge into icey water, which is mostly up to your ankles, sometimes your knees, and at certain points just above your waist. It is a short hike, only about a 1/2 mile in and definitely a fun little adventure for a road trip stop. I brought the waterproof Nikon and the lack of good lighting gave us blurry photos as a result. Still, this place is too beautiful not to share even my lackluster photos. Oneonta was otherworldly, an absolutely awe inspiring natural paradise.
Multnomah, Oneonta and a series of other waterfalls, hikes, and majestic vistas can be reached along the Historic Columbia River Scenic Byway just under an hour from Portland. 


  1. Gorgeous! I now always think of Wild when I see anything around Oregon and the outdoors ha. I hope you had a waterproof iPhone case! ;)

  2. Your photos are so gorgeous!This looks like a completely peaceful getaway.

  3. Oh my gosh you guys, this is awesome!
