
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

good books part 3

My last two book posts proved to be super popular! So without further ado...

L.S. Hilton
This was for sure a shocking psychological thriller but I must convey that it was alarming, thrilling, and shocking in an enjoyably sense. It was not disturbing to me in the same way as Behind Closed Doors or Pretty Girls. Maestra follows a young art assistant Judith Rashleigh through London, Italy and France. This book was erotic, exotic, fast paced and hard to put down. The New York Post said this one makes 50 Shades look like the bible. They are not wrong. 

Jonathan Franzen
For me, Purity reads on the same level as The Goldfinch and Fates and Furies - where these authors come at you with unrivaled literary prose, bizarre plot lines and vivid characters. This novel might take you a little longer to get into but the results are worthwhile. Purity has just enough sex and murder woven in with extreme fidelity, journalism, news leaks, travel, day-to-day, and relationship dynamics to keep things really interesting.

The Trespasser
Tana French
A super interesting read that takes place among a murder detective squad in Ireland, written with a thick Irish dialect. The Trespasser follows the trials and tribulations of Antoinette Conway on her first big murder case. It reads like a really in depth CSI show with intense interrogations, fascinating witness-cop interaction and unexpected twists. 

Everything We Keep
Kerry Lonsdale
Compared to the rest of the books on my list this one was an overall uplifting and comfortable read. I won't downplay the fact that the main character Aimee is a young woman who just lost her fiancĂ©e and is dealing with crippling grief as it unfolds into a mysterious everything is not as it seems scenario, but, it's also a story of overcoming loss and finding love again. There are unexpected twists, some dark moments, combined with a good amount of tender, lighthearted, happy moments too. 

Don't You Cry
Mary Kubica
I am a big fan of Mary Kubica's masterful ways with suspense and enjoyed this sinister and gripping story almost as much as The Good Girl. This one won't disappoint!

Truly Madly Guilty
Liane Moriarty
Truly Madly Guilty might be my favorite book of Liane Moriarty's so far. The story is expertly woven as it jumps back and fourth between different characters points of view; leaving the reader with a massive cliffhanger, the eventual reveal, and the aftermath of a life changing event. 

And how exciting that Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman are starring in the HBO Mini series adaptation of a different book of hers, Big Little Lies! I am looking forward to watching that. 

Behind Closed Doors
B.A. Paris
In mentioning this book above and all the expletives I want to throw out there to describe my emotions while reading*, I'll warn you to proceed with caution. On second thought you might want to dive right in just so you know what everyone's reeling about. Behind Closed Doors depicts beyond disturbing behavior of a newlywed couple - the husband towards his wife, which is extremely unsettling to read. A true psychological thriller but it's nothing like you've read in the past.  

*I'm technically not reading this but listening to an audio book - which has turned out to be a nice change of pace on my commute and at the gym!


  1. Woah, what a list!!! I am putting the first two and the last one (gasp!) on my list. I'll let you know what I like! :)

  2. Love it!! The only one I've ready on here is the Liane Moriarty, so I definitely have some to add to my list. I have mixed feelings about psychological thrillers, but definitely want to check some of these out. And I've heard awesome things about Tana French and have had one of her in my must-read pile for a while!


  3. I just finished the book I was reading the other day ("Alligator Candy" - so good!), so this post couldn't be better timed. :) Thanks for the recs!

  4. yesss- sharing this with my two book clubs now!! they're all "new to me" books which is always nice! Also, we read big little lies and RM and I just watching the series last night- little frustrating so far with the acting, but I'm hoping for a turnaround!

  5. I loved Big Little Lies, so I have to try this one. Also, if you like thriller / murder mysteries, a friend just recommend My Husband's Wife. I plan to order it soon. I am reading Commonwealth by Ann Patchett right now. Really enjoying it.

  6. I loved Big Little Lies and enjoyed the first episode on HBO. I'll be checking out these books soon!
