
Friday, March 8, 2019

Camden John Luiso

It's a BOY!

Welcome to this beautiful life, little buddy!!
Camden John Luiso
February 25th, 2019
9:28 pm
8 lbs 1 oz | 20 inches
A shortened version of the birth story, if you'd like to read....

Due to my recent diagnosis of mild Polyhydramnios (excess amniotic fluid) I was scheduled for induction at 39 weeks. At Newton Wellesley Hospital on Sunday, February 24th after one oral dose of misoprostol at 9 pm my water broke at 2 am. What a feeling that was. It woke me in an instant and felt like nothing I've ever experienced. Pretty cool actually. I was excited! Then, I was transferred from Antenatal to Labor and Delivery where contractions began shortly after. This is it, the biggest moments of life so far!! Labor was Incredible. Truly it was. It was painful, to state the obvious. The pain was manageable for a long time; my favorite way to manage the contractions being hot baths and really getting in a zen place afterwards with warm towels in bed and a cold cloth on my face. I enjoyed an orange popsicle and then a raspberry italian ice. I didn't have any desire to take a walk, use the birthing ball or try out different labor positions. When the contractions got to very painful levels the epidural wasn't given a second thought. I was about 12 hours in around 3 pm on 2/25 and I was ready for a break. That first sense of numbness and falling into a deep nap was bliss. I awoke with labor shakes and chills - I learned these are uncontrollable and normal from hormone fluctuation. This also caused some tears - happy tears! I was all choked up at the thought of meeting my baby so soon! A good playlist was on in the background - the nurses kept complimenting it. (James Taylor, Paul Simon, Keith Urban, Florida Georgia Line, Steve Winwood, Sam Hunt, Bruce Hornsby, Van Morrison.) Labor was Emotional. Spiritual. Challenging. Rewarding. The best thing I've ever done!
When I finally felt the urge to bear down and push the attending OB checked back in to confirm. Sure enough I was 10 cm, fully dilated, it's go time! This was around 7:30 pm. It was a true team effort from here. Bob was an incredible labor coach - calm, composed and intuitive. My nurses and the BC nursing student (experiencing her first birth) were truly  phenomenal the whole way through. 19 hours with 2 hours of pushing - the hardest work I've ever done in my life - I delivered a beautiful, chubby, hairy, calm natured, absolutely perfect baby boy. 
Camden spent 6 days in the Special Care Nursery (SCN - a level 2 NICU) for Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). He was discharged a healthy baby on March 3rd, 2019 - his actual due date!

This little boy is the sweetest soul showing Mom and Dad a happiness and love beyond compare. 

Welcome to the Luiso family, Camden John!

1 comment:

  1. There they are, the gorgeous Luiso family! Love my grandson!
