
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Scallops in Fra Diavolo

Last Saturday night I made a sauce just about as spicy as my taste buds could handle, a Fra Diavolo. I believe the literal translation in Italian is 'brother devil.' This unmistakable red sauce is known to pair well with seafood, particularly shellfish. Adam sautéed some Scallops and we served it over linguine.
If you're a regular reader you know by now I tend to get the most enjoyment from cooking when I have steps to guide me. This meal was no exception. The step by step instructions for this dish can be found here. Ingredients and pictures can be found below!
-4-5 tablespoons olive oil
-2 teaspoons crushed red pepper flakes 
-8 ounces tomato sauce
-8 garlic cloves minced
-2 shallots minced
-2 tomatoes, diced
-1 1/2 pounds of scallops
-1 cup dry white wine
-1/2 teaspoon of salt
-2 tablespoons fresh parsley
-2 tablespoons fresh basil
In the recipe I get a kick out of step #2: DO NOT BURN THE GARLIC -- If you do, Start Again. Yikes. Meanwhile - have a glass of wine and continue on.
The wine is a Bordeaux Blanc that has been on my wine rack for quite sometime now. As I inhaled I noticed the sweet aroma right away but the taste was rather dry with a tart finish.
I thought it worked well in the sauce.
The scallops get placed in at the very end, just 3-4 minutes prior to plating. This gives them a chance to embrace the heat from the sauce.
I paired the hearty Italian dish with a salad of crisp greens, shredded carrots, goat cheese and loads of Avocado.The sauce packs just the right amount of fiery kick to keep you coming back for more. And the best part? Leftovers!!


  1. wow nice work -that sauce looks amazing!

  2. I <3 fra diavolo. Definitely making this one!

  3. That looks yummy! Got enough garlic there?! I love garlic, even if it leaves a funny aftertaste in the mouth for hours afterwards. I think it would be too spicy for me, though...

  4. That looks great. I can't handle spicy sauces, but I love me some scallops. I've burned garlic many times. I never start over though. I'm too lazy.

  5. I love scallops and spice! Very nice!

  6. I am such a pansy when it comes to spicy sauces--but I'm getting better!

    I love Step 8. I frequently insert that step in my recipes, too. :)

  7. The scallops sound terrific with this delicious and flavorful sauce!

  8. Those scallops are making my mouthwater!! When am I getting an invite for dinner again???

  9. I am terrified of burning garlic because every recipe I read warns me against doing it! So I usually chicken out and use garlic powder instead, which is why my food tastes the way it does.

    I am seriously impressed with your cooking skills! This looks delicious!

  10. OOookay..scallops, spicy sauce, avocado, feta...pretty much all my favorite things. I am drooling!!

  11. ha. i'm constantly afraid of burning garlic. that would've made me paranoid too. now i'm afraid i don't cook it long enough...

    lisa loves spicy food so we'll have to try this one.

    nice looking scallops, cc!
