
Monday, August 30, 2010

Tavern On The Water

You go for the atmosphere.
You go for the view.
Do you want the good news or the bad news?

Good news is the brunch is pretty damn good.
A surprise of sorts! When the menu lists home fries these little nuggets of herb crusted hash browns are the last thing you expect to see on your plate.
They were absolutely delightful. The entire plate was a pleasant surprise. I really enjoyed the addition of lemony fresh greens to the standard 2 egg, sausage, english muffin breakfast.
Bad news is, the bloody marys were awful.
I've had a lot of bloody marys in my life. I know when they taste good. I know when they taste bad.
They look awesome. I look so excited to drink them. They even have a golf tee holding the garnishes in place.

Ironically, Tavern On The Water offers a make your own bloody mary bar. As fun and inviting as that sounds, we had just walked all the way to the Charlestown Navy Yard in the 90 degree heat and therefore we opted for the bartenders batch. I was in the kind of mood that if I wanted to make my own, I would have. At home.Surely, the bartender can make a better drink than us. Also, Adam never orders a bloody mary. I have no idea why he did today. I guess he wanted to try something new. Good for him. Or not so much. The taste was exceedingly more awkward with every sip. We kept making faces inadvertently while drinking - it was as painful to admit defeat. Adam was perplexed how anyone could like these and chalked it up to lack of booze in the mix. I reassured him that was not the case. I'm just saying' - it did not taste like spicy tomato juice sans vodka. It tasted more like a stale drink mix of sorts. Honestly, I have no idea what wrong. I have no idea if this was a fluke batch.
Be wary the Bloody Marys. But definitely stop in for a beer or two.
Tavern On The Water
Pier 6 | Navy Yard
1 8th Street
Charlestown, MA 02129


  1. Awesome view no doubt. Great photos.

  2. Aw, there is nothing more disappointing than a bad Bloody Mary!

  3. Boohoo for the Bloddy mary. But at least you guys got a wonderful breakfast. The hasbrowns look very yummy!

  4. Every time I come here I leave starving. You eat some great food lady!!


  5. The food and view looks great. I'm all set with the bloody mary's. They make me sick. I'm sorry yours didn't turn out good though :(

  6. Great to know! That meal does look delicious!

  7. The food looks amazing and the restaurant looks like so much fun with a fab view!


  8. I've actually never been to Tavern on the Water (because I'm always at Woodward... just kidding - sorta). I might go soon just for the hashbrowns!

  9. OK- I have never been here... I know, for shame. But now I MUST go. I want that entire bfast, including all the Bloodys. lol

  10. I'll stop in for the home fries. That is exactly the type of home fry I like to see! Sorry the Bloody Marys were disappointing.

  11. Okay, so all-in-all it wasn't so bad. Despite the bloody Mary's, which I think are, this face should tell you ;-X~ *uck*

    So I won't be ordering those. LOL. =)

  12. well, now i know! thanks for sharing. i love c.ton.

  13. The views are amazing! And other than Bloody Mary's, the food sounds great too!

  14. What a bummer about the bad Bloody Marys.

    Those hash browns look amaaazing!!

  15. I have a gift card for here but have never been! Let's brunch soon and make our own Bloody Mary's!

  16. I LOVE hash browns! God they look so good!
