
Friday, August 20, 2010

Weekend Preview

Happy Friday! Today I slept in a little later than usual until 9:30. That felt awesome. I just ate an English Muffin, drank a cup of coffee and I'm ready to hit the road. I'm headed to Cambridge to spend the day with my sister. We have a good day planned and a fun Summer Lunch Series spot picked out. Actually we have an entire fun weekend planned together!
Since I might not return for a few days I will leave you with some pictures (from this weekend last year) of where I'll be and what I'll be up to..... What is everyone up to this weekend? Hopefully soaking up the August sun!


  1. Hope you have as good a time as you seem to have had last year. Lots of good crabs...and drinking.

    Be well.

  2. Have a great weekend! I can't wait to see the re-cap and BTW, your hair was SO long a year ago!

  3. Ahh the Cape- Jealous! Have fun : ) I'll be in Maine this weekend!

  4. wow, you'd think i'd be acustomed (spelling??) to seeing pics of you with long hair, but these shocked me a little haha. have SO much fun w/ the fam and boys crabbing and drinking. don't forget about the sun screen, even if that pic is really and truly an alcohol induced sun burn :) xo xo xo

    hiiiiii leah hi karen!

  5. Beautiful pictures! Hope you have a good time babycakes :)

  6. Haha I remember this weekend! Aren't those my crab cakes?

  7. Looks like a blast and those crab cakes?? omg you better recreate that! I'll likely be spending the weekend by the pool; not enough time left this summer!

    Have fun :)


  8. Oh, fantastic! Enjoy your fun weekend!!!

  9. Such fun pics! I just hopped over here from another blog. Have a great weekend.

  10. Fun! Enjoy your weekend!

  11. Never been so jealous of a meal in my life!! Crabcakes and beer holla!!

  12. My kind of weekend Dear, my kind of weekend!! You always seems to have fun wherever you go. Oh how I wish we lived in the same city, heck, the same state, oh the stories we'd have to tell!! :-)

    Happy Weekend! xo

  13. Have a fun weekend!! I'll be working :(

  14. Great pictures! Looks like you and your Sis have a real fun time when you're together. I hope you're having a blast this weekend!

  15. love your bathing suit! my chest is as red as yours right now...could be the sun or the coor's light...not sure :)

  16. Looks like it's going to be a great weekend!

  17. Dude, you are so SKINNY for being such a good little food blogger! ;) We got back from Atlanta at 3 a.m. last night, drove up to see Beth Orton, fabulous show, so today we are chilling! Hope you're having fun!

  18. this looks so fun...and yummy!
    p.s. I want you abs!!

  19. So fun! I can't wait to catch up this week!

  20. Are those homemade crab cakes?! Yum!! Love :) Hope you enjoyed your weekend!

  21. You are so fit and pretty!

    Looove that first pic of the booze and the scenery.

  22. Those crab cakes look really good but main comment here is wow your hair was long! Why did you cut it off? I used to have long hair like that but cut it all off after giving birth when hormones were all over the place and I hated having to deal with it at 3 o'clock in the morning every night whilst breastfeeding! Now I'm trying to grow it back out.
