
Monday, September 13, 2010

Mount Abraham | Vermont

This weekends adventures brought me to one of my absolute favorite states, Vermont. Friday afternoon with Jen's VW Rabbit packed to the brim for one last crazy road trip, (the lease on the car ending shortly) Jen, myself, Killeen, Garvey and Buckley (Jen's 5 month old English Cream Golden) headed North into the heart of the Green Mountains. We stocked up at the New Hampshire liquor store and proceeded to drink ourselves silly once we arrived at The Vermont House; Jen's family vacation home where I've been a guest for years as evidenced by the journal entry I wrote at age 10 after Jen and her family taught me how to ski. There have been many memorable trips here over the years and this one was no different. 
Jen cooked up a fabulous dinner of Chicken Saltimbocca over a bed of spinach greens. The chicken breasts were stuffed with prosciutto and sage and sautéed in a white wine reduction. 
I awoke the next morning to the adorable scene below.
Jen cooked breakfast and we stopped for sandwiches on our way to Lincoln Gap.Mt. Abraham is a popular Central Vermont hike. The mountain is named after our 16th President and sits at an elevation of 4,006 feet. It is noted for its panoramic views of three states at the summit. We set out on the Long Trail which leaves from Lincoln Gap - elevation 2,424 feet. The trail is 2.6 miles each way for a round trip of 5.2 miles and a total elevation gain of 1,600 feet. That might not sound like very far, but when a good portion of that distance is uphill over extreme rocky terrain, you better believe it becomes a serious cardio workout.
Certain sections of the trail leveled off to flat terrain for a much needed catching of breath, but in general the trail is steep and challenging. As we neared the the summit the densely wooded trail opened up to some breathtaking viewpoints. But none more beautiful and rewarding than the panorama once we officially reached the peak. Mount Abe boasts views of the Adirondacks over Lake Champlain, the Green Mountains of Vermont to the North and South, the White Mountains of New Hampshire to the East, and upstate New York to the West. We were blessed with perfect weather - it was about 65 - 70 degrees with incredibly clear skies.
Lunch at the peak never tasted so rewarding. I had an apple cheddar sandwich with lettuce, sprouts, tomatoes and pesto mayo and a side of coleslaw with raisins and blueberries. We also toasted to a victorious climb with mini bottles of Cavit Pino Noir. After we were well rested and had a photo shoot, we began the descent. I was overwhelmed by the beauty at the summit and in the forest and enjoyed every single moment of this hike!!


  1. All of these pictures are wonderful and it looks like you had a great vacation but the picture of the mug of coffee is amazing!

  2. Is there any way we can kidnap your friend's dog for our trip to VT this weekend? It looks like you had a wonderful weekend!

  3. damn. i need to come hang out with yall. that is a truck load of wine. anddddd i really like it.

  4. wow vermont is pretty freaking gorgeous! I had no idea! And, those bottles just basically made my day haha.

  5. Looks like a great trip with amazing views and food! I can only hope next week stacks up!

  6. Your life is always amazing. That's all. Also, I LOVE that first photo with the dog in the packed car :) Oh, and I definitely stocked up at the NH liquor store this weekend, too!!


  7. You do the best things, really! I'm green with envy at the moment :) Vermont looks absolutely beautiful and that lunch up there.. well.. AMAZING!!!!

  8. Wow so gorgeous, I really need to do more hikes in this area!
    So funny that you know Chrissy- she is my husband's friend's wife haha. Not sure if she knows about the blog so she'd probably be really confused to know she is being posted on the internet haha, oops!

  9. I adore New England! It is the best! Looks like such fun, you have an awesome life! Impressed with your hungover hike, btw! ;)

  10. Cutest puppy ever! (and even cuter for letting you guys eat breakfast before going out to play. my dog is not so cooperative.) Looks like a great trip with great friends and food!

  11. Fun! What a gorgeous day it was.... I hiked the Appalachian trail in Western MA when I was younger at camp, but that's all! :)

  12. wow that was a lot of booze but you still were productive. bravo

  13. I can't get over how cute those dogs are. I think I've only been to Vermont once. I need to change that a.s.a.p.!

  14. Looks like a fun weekend in VT! Thanks for posting!! Love keeping up with your posts!
