
Sunday, September 19, 2010

King Arthur Flour Intro

I believe my soul is always in search of new adventure. As I drank my latte in solace, I envisioned what Vermont had in store for me this time around. I wasn't going to be hiking to the summit of a 4,006 foot mountain, but I was setting out for adventure of a different sort. I was ecstatic for the journey North on this gorgeous almost fall day. I know the rest of the bloggers who greeted me with bright smiles and warm hugs were as well. 

We road tripped to King Arthur Flour - KAF Baking Education Center - where Vermont's signature green landscape dotted with wildflowers greeted us. The KAF grounds are pristine and well-maintained. 
Before our baking classes, lunch and an informal presentation including fun facts and a history lesson awaited us! Yes, that deserved an exclamation because I was genuinely intrigued and excited to learn about KAF and how they came to be in existence.

-It all began in 1790 in Boston.
-KAF is America's oldest flour company. (That's 220 years old.)
-When our country was young there was no source of pure flour. The company (not yet named King Arthur) imported their flour from Europe.
-In the late 1800's King Arthur got its name. The owner at the time decided the name shouldn't change each time a new family took ownership. Recently inspired by a production on King Arthur, he recognized how the king embodied integrity and purity, the same characteristics company prided itself on and would continue to strive for.
-As the U.S. expanded and gained greater control over grain production, King Arthur Flour evolved and still today purchases their grain from farms in the mid-west. Primarily Kansas, Oklahoma and North Dakota.
-A very diverse company, since 1996 KAF has been employee-owned. Frank & Brinna Sands made the decision to sell the company to the employees after 5 generations of family ownership.
-King Arthur flour might cost a little more, but the product is guaranteed to be always pure and unbleached. Their customer service motto reads: “Quality lingers on, long after the price is forgotten.”
-The finest quality ingredients and recipes are tested, developed and packaged in the test kitchen on the premises using standard equipment that the home baker themselves would use.
-The company is heavily involved in community outreach and provides real world application programs from the Life Skills Bread Baking Program (4th-7th grade baking classes at school!) to the Travel Baking Demos (visiting cities throughout the US). They even offering a baking hotline encouraging bakers with questions or those seeking advice and tips to give them a call anytime.
KAF Baking Ed - up next!!


  1. Thank you so much for coming and for being such a great road trip companion and roommate! I'm glad the trip got you more interested in and less intimidated by baking. I had so much fun with everyone this weekend.

    Your recap is awesome. You remembered all the historical stuff. I loved learning how King Arthur Flour got its name.

    Ooh... and thanks for making cookies for our drive! They were awesome!

  2. OMGosh, this is so cool. Love the goodies! A carb haters nightmare, but I am not a carb hater! ;-)
    Wonderful pics. YOu always have so much fun, I love to visit and see what you are up to!

  3. Great recap! Loved all your pictures. Was so fun hanging out this weekend!

  4. I just wrote on Bridget's post that I love how all your posts are so different. And now I read yours and learned even more! Now I'm totally sad I missed out on this. It looks like it was SO much fun!!


  5. Oh hel-lo! This looks beyond amazing and fun and delish!! Thanks so much for sharing. I need to go eat 14 pieces of bread and a dozen cookies...hehe


  6. That looks like a really fun day! That is so cool that they welcomed you into their business like that. Can't wait to read more!

  7. I'm sure this weekend was a food bloggers dream come true :)

  8. Yay! I am loving reading everyone's recaps, it's like we're right back there! Love your pictures. It was so great to meet you!!

  9. This looks so fun! Love the interesting facts about King Arthur. My cousin's actually been working on an initiative to get them to source more wheat grown in VT. It would be great to be able to buy real local flour! Can't wait for the recipes!

  10. MMM homemade bread sounds delicious. I have never heard of this brand of flour, I will have to see if my local grocery store carries it

  11. So happy to hear you are no longer intimidated by baking. (that is what I gathered at least ;) ) What fun goodies and the history is cool! 220 years, wow!

  12. It was so great hanging out with you this weekend! I'm so glad that we are now just a little more experienced in baking. We are totally going to turn into master bakers...or at least bake more! xo

  13. SOOO jealous! Looks like an amazing weekend with such great swag!

  14. Fresh bread is just the most irresistible thing ever! Those choc macaroons look yummy too. I want to try a pumpkin latte!

  15. See, this is why I love you! You would go on a field trip to the flour factory! It actually looks amazingly cool, thanks for sharing! Oh, and did I tell you that I too prefer men's deodorant? Speed Stick is fab, it smells better and works better! I can't wait till we can hang out! XX!

  16. What a fun trip for you guys! Chocolate macaroons are the best. Oh and I love your striped purse - so pretty!

  17. Wow so jealous, this looks like so much fun!!

  18. Yummy treats! I love your Kate Spade too :)

  19. I missed the pumpkin cookies! They are super cute. I love all of the little details you captured in your photos, just lovely!

  20. Oh my gosh, everything looks so fun and sounds amazing, I don't even know where to start with the commenting!!!

  21. What a great recap. I have been loving hearing everyone's version of how the day went.
