
Friday, October 29, 2010

Cousins x Boca Raton

Hello friends! Vacation thus far has provided more time to blog than I expected! This is a good thing as it has been all about relaxation as opposed to "go-go-go". Plus, I love to keep ya'll up to date on the happenings. (Ok ya'll isnt really a Florida thing, but it's Southern so just go with it.) I am currently sipping a Yuengling Lager at Nan & Gramps over looking Pelican Bay on the Intercoastal.Not bad right? We are having a ridiculously good time so far. On our first night we headed to Aunt Cheryl's house in Boca Raton where she cooked up an incredible Italian feast of caprese salad, a chicken, broccoli, sun dried tomato ziti dish and tiramisu. I was so excited to meet the newest edition to the family, my cousin Carly's son baby Jett Joseph. He is actually almost 1, but this is my first time meeting him! How stinkin' cute? He is a bundle of joy, the absolute best. After dinner Carly and Cassie took Adam and I bar hopping in Deerfield Beach. Carly, Cassie and younger sis Cayla spent every summer with us growing up on Cape Cod (usually 2 or 3 weeks in July, sometimes longer) and we visited them most winters down in Boca. It has been 3 years since we were last together at the family reunion in North Carolina, which is obviously way to long! Fun fun night. Love my fam!


  1. So fun! I love laid back family time, and it looks warm! Enjoy every second!

  2. i just love this post! lol to all pics including "rib rolls" which i somewhat regretted the next day...
    i love you cousin-please keep the good times coming!!!

  3. So glad you're enjoying your vacation! Looks like a great time!

  4. Oh wow! What a fun vacation. All that food looks great! And that little chubby baby is so adorable. Pinch his cheeks for me will ya. =)

  5. Enjoy the holiday - glad you are having a marvellous time with friends and family.
    And the baby is so sweet, too. xx

  6. My grandparents used to live in Deerfield Beach! I used to go there every winter! Have fun

  7. So glad you're having fun! That little guy is adorable.

  8. oh my gosh, your cousin is adorable - I LOVE that little hat on him! so cute!

  9. You live Yuengling too? We seriously need to be drinking partners...especially if the evening will include yummy nachos like the ones in this blog post!

  10. Yumm I love Yuenngling. You should smuggle some home! I cant even handle how cute baby Jett is. I wish we could be there too!

  11. Looks like you're having such an awesome time on your vacation!! I love that view, I'm jealous ;) Your baby cousin is sooooo cute!

  12. So glad you're having fun! I want to see the mermaid costume - pics please! XX!

  13. I think I should live in Florida if it's like that in October :D delicious loooking feast of italian food... *drooling*

  14. Coconut mojito? sounds cool. The salad looks so yummy too.... Glad you're having such a great holiday!

  15. glad you're having fun! i love Florida- my dad has a place in west palm. jett is too cute! happy halloween :)

  16. tiramisu is my favoriteeeee! That looks so good!

  17. That beach view is stunning! I cannot wait til Saturday!

  18. loving jett joseph's hat! cute with a capital CUTE!!!!! uber edible haha
