
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Currently Loving

Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure Nail polish in Grass Slipper
Advertised as all 5 steps of a salon manicure in 1 bottle: base coat, strengthener, growth treatment, color, top coat. I have a few more colors to try so be on the lookout!
Creamsicle Floats
These were Adam's idea. We've made them for dessert every night this week.
Girlfriends. (Salem, MA)
Shipyard Pumpkinhead (yes I'm loving it until the very last 6 pack of the season)
+ a shot of Absolut Vanilla Vodka.
Give it a try!
Tights in bold fall colors. (Urban Outfitters $12 or 2 for $20)
[Happy Birthday Douglas]
The Beehive Julep ($10.50) Rum, Liquor Creole, Lime, Fresh Mint  
Bringing back an old favorite with this one! (It has been on the menu since they opened.)

What are you loving lately?


  1. Is it wrong that my favorite paty of this post is adding the vanilla vodka to the pumpkin ale?!

  2. Mmmm I will take one of those first drinks please :)

  3. loving the nail color and vanilla ice cream soda!!!

  4. You need to add Pinnacle Whipped Cream Vodka to your creamsicle. YOUR WELCOME.

  5. Wow look at those tights!!!

  6. yellow tights, green nails- you crack me up. Love it!!

  7. Yes! Love the Punkin + vanilla vodka combo, too... a little cinnamon/sugar on the rim and I am a happy girl!

  8. P.S. I was craving that float all summer. May have to just give in to it already. LOL.

  9. oooo shipyard pumpkin head with a shot of vanilla vodka! you didn't!

    i'm loving gf's too and trader joes crunchy peanut butter with flax seeds. ESPECIALLY when mixed with a tablespoon of pumpkin!

    and can't forget my love of smores this week. Matt and I have made homemade smores at least twice for dessert :)

    thanks for sharing love. so fun!

  10. I needed a cheery blog post to make me smile today. Even though I'm at the office, I'm happy to be out of my apartment for the first time since Tuesday!

  11. love that nail polish- i have a fun yellow color. that pumpkin ale + vanilla and cranberry beer- both sound yummy!!! enjoy your weekend /Happy thanksgiving! :)

  12. I love that you put a shot in your beer, I am going to have to try this combo

  13. You need to try drinking a half can of Natty then filling it up with boxed red wine. Deliciously trashy.

  14. Love the idea of creamsicle floats!

  15. oooh that is a fun new nailpolish color!

  16. I really want to try all of your current loves, especially the Harpoon beer and the Creamsicle float. (I'm probably going to grab the cranberry beer and bring it to Thanksgiving dinner!)

  17. That Harpoon beer looks delicious. Wish I could get it out here!!

  18. i am currently loving you! this is a great one...and i adore the lemon tights!

  19. I love a creamsicle float - what a brilliant idea! I'm having a pumpkin beer right now...mmmm :)

  20. I'm loving your leopard print vest! :D

    .... vanilla vodka? hm.. I should try it too!

  21. Mmm, creamsicle floats?! What a treat!
