
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree....

Oh Christmas Treeeeee, how lovely are thy branches?Our tree is decorated with vintage ornaments, retro inspired lights and kitschy touches like a plastic star that fades to different colors, sequin bows and lots and lots of sparkly silver tinsel.
We scored the old school style multi-colored bulb set three years ago at CVS. We've checked every year since to purchase more (we always think we will run out) and they don't even sell them anymore. Maybe it was a one time thing? Either that or they don't stock our CVS with them. Somehow, we make what strands we have work.The vintage ornaments hail from my late Grandmothers attic. No one loved Christmas and getting the family together more than her. I cherish that I have something tangible of hers to keep that memory alive. We also were given some ornaments of the same genre from Adam's Mom's basement, probably the ones his grandmother used on her tree. They mesh together perfectly, and with those bulbs it was just meant to be. The set of holiday colored sequin stars came from my Mom. They add a pop of sparkle in colors of red, silver, gold, green and blue.
Can't forget Adam's Buzz Lightyear. We top the tree with a kitschy plastic star that changes colors and load the branches with tinsel. Ta-DaIf you celebrate Christmas, did you / do you purchase a tree? How do you like to decorate it?


  1. haha buzz = awesomeness!

    Your tree looks great! We have such a mismash of ornaments plus my moms 'fancy' ones.

  2. It's beautiful!!! I am sitting here with the sun having just set and my Christmas lights on. Christmas trees are the best. I love the shimmery blue ball ornament and the sequined bows. I tend to stay away from loose tinsel because I am a tad too impatient for it, but I still like the way it looks. It always reminds of Christmas in classic movies like It's a Wonderful Life.

  3. I love it! We're going to Target tonight to buy stuff for our tree. I can't wait!

  4. OOoohhh so exciting. I'm hoping Rafe and I have enough time left (after moving) and with his finals to get a tree this year!!

  5. This post just makes me your tree!

  6. i cannot wait to see this bad boy up close and personal in12 days and counting...beautiful job!

  7. So pretty! I love that you combined ornaments from both your families. Can't wait to come over and see it and have some (virgin) eggnog!

  8. It's beautiful! we have so much going on right now that I don't think we're doing a tree this year. :( But we're spending a lot of Christmas at my parents' house and we'll be able to hang out around their tree. I have a ton of bins full of Christmas decorations in storage. Hopefully by this time next year, we'll have a house.

  9. It's gorgeous, K, really! And you've done a great job carrying on the tradition of decorating your tree with your grandmother's ornaments. I'm sure she feels the magic! <3

    Happy Christmas Tree! =)

  10. LOVE the buzz lightyear ornament! it looks so good kristen, not even a tad too big for your apt :)

  11. ....And here's your tree all decorated. Looks great!!
