
Friday, January 28, 2011

January Round Up: Eats

So far I have been keeping good on my new years resolution. I have cooked a ton of new recipes!

And finally - two dinners I prepared this month that did not have a recipe post all their own. They were delicious and photo worthy all the same. 

Eggplant Parmesan
Crispy fried Eggplant Parmesan rounds are an addictive meal. Hot off the sauté pan, I pop them like potato chips.
Eggplant parm is a staple in my Mom's kitchen; these are her inspiration and always bring back memories of childhood.
On this particular night I paired them with rotini in a simple butter and garlic sauce. 
For a 100% no fuss week night meal.
Corn shell, ground beef + seasoning packet, cheese, sour cream, tomato and avocado. Done.
And a perfectly ripe avocado for the win!

Happy Friday! This felt like the week that would never end. Hope you all have fun plans for the weekend. Mine include a trip to the Sam Adams Brewery and an evening out with friends.


  1. There are a lot of meals that never make it onto the blog. I love that you do a re-cap to show what you've made!

    P.S. Beer date must be scheduled soon. xo

  2. Eggs in a basket is on the menu for tonight. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. I need more eggs in a basket in my life - yours look soooo yummy (and I'm not just saying that because I maybe had too many beers last night!)

  4. I haven't had taco night in so long... I'm adding it to the list!

  5. Loving the roundup, it's making me hungry!

  6. It seriously was the week that never ended. I get to hold an adorable baby all weekend!
    All of a sudden I want a baked potato so bad...everything looks delicious!

  7. Egg in a basket are my hubs and kiddos favorite! They eat theirs drizzled with syrup.

  8. You eat so well, nice variety. I am going to try that egg thing with my Indy this weekend.

  9. yum!! thank you for showing how to make eggs in a basket! i need to make this weekend.

  10. I love eggplant parm, and I learned how to make it from my mom too.

    And I can't even admit how often we eat Near East rice pilaf!

  11. sounds like you've got a fun weekend planned :) i'm so glad it's friday!! and i need to make eggs in a basket... so cute, and yet delicious with that runny yolk, perhaps for dinner tonight!!

  12. oh geez eggs in the hole is my all time favorite breakfast! Probably because my husbands cooks it.

  13. I make eggs in toast the same way- with a glass cup. heheh. So many delicious dinners here- good job!! I love you've been keeping your resolutions. I think Ive been failing- been trying to keep my posts short and I just can't!

  14. Oh man, this post reminds me: I can't believe I haven't made Tacos in weeks! I am dropping the ball on Taco Tuesday. I'm ashamed.

  15. I love eggplant parm too - yum! Glad you've been enjoying your time in the kitchen :)

  16. i really need to try eggs in a basket! It just looks so fun to eat!

  17. The eggs in a basket looks so fun! I can't wait to try it sometime. The eggplant Parma looks really yummy too, I can't believe I hated it when I was little and never ate moms! Oh and love the cutting board ;)

  18. You had a delicious January Daisy! Everything looks delicious, especially the eggplant. You are right - it is so addicting!

  19. That breakfast looks so amazingly innovative!

    Also, have you ever had fried avocado tacos? It's a big thing in Austin, Texas, and when I recently visited, I was in total awe of the idea. Yum.

  20. OMG I wanna try this!!!! I need to go get some bread now!

  21. Okay, it makes me feel so much better that you, my dear foodie, eat tacos for dinner, too! I use tacos as a standby, we eat them a lot, but I always feel kind of trashy when I do! Now I don't! And love the eggs in a basket, I have always heard them referred to as "Ox-eyed Eggs" lol! XX!

  22. i still have never made eggs in a basket. amateur. gotta get on that!

  23. Wow! Everything looks delicious. I love big avocado slices on the tacos! Yummmy!

  24. alls i could say is i love you and you effortless style of writing always puts a smile on my face!
