
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Latest from Saus: Frikandel

I am pretty positive my love for Saus has not gone unnoticed, but allow me to remind you just how much this Belgian street food cafe has won my affections with their authentic frites, leige waffles and poutine.

There was no doubting that the latest addition to their menu - a deep fried Dutch burger-sausage served on a grilled bun called Frikandel would impress with a similar level of authenticity and deliciousness. This 'sandwich' differs from the traditional version eaten on the streets of The Netherlands, Belgium and Northern France because it uses a homemade blend of ground beef, pork and spices as opposed to a processed meat mixture. In a blogger taste test / feedback forum last Monday evening, the Frikandel ($6.95) was an immediate hit. We were lucky enough to sample all four styles offered, compliments of the house.Here is a preview of what to expect next time you stroll (or stumble) into this Faneuil Hall mainstay. The most traditional among the bunch is the Special Frikandel. The toasted bun gets rubbed with house made mayo and the sausage is topped with chopped onions, more mayo and curry ketchup saus. The Spicy Frickandel is layered with jalapeno peppers and then drizzled with ole chipotle saus for a double dose of spice. Ole chipotle is one of my favorite signature sauces so it was no surprise I adored this version of frikandel. Overall it was generously spicy, not unbearably so. Loaded up with another beloved ingredient is the Cheesy Frikandel. This one layers on the cheddar cheese and coats the sausage completely in cheddar Duvel saus. Last up is the Burger-style Frikandel which pops with flavor from chopped onions, chopped pickles and the latest kitchen concoction - Andalouse Saus. Andalouse is an onion, red and green pepper, lemon and tomato paste infused mayo. I though the juicy pickles in this version were a welcome contrast. We were also treated to a side of frites with additional Andalouse for dipping and following the meal, a leige waffle and one of every sweet saus (salted caramel, lemon cream, berry berry and nutella) for dessert! Providing more sustenance to the menu at the urging of the public is a dutch sausage-snack that some say is better than the original. Next time you venture in to get your french fry and waffle fix, be sure and add a Frikandel to your order!


  1. All I can say is...yum! I absolutely adore Saus too!

  2. Love the look of all these sauces! I wish I could have made this dinner -- the new menu seems reason enough to make the trek from Cambridge to Saus!

  3. Love it-this all looks amazing! Somehow I knew your pictures would make me want to reach into my computer screen and grab!

  4. Take about food porn ! And that waffle looks extra yum. If you're ever in NYC you simply must try to catch the Wafels & Dinges food truck -- to die for.

  5. Too bad I missed this! I love the ole chipotle sauce too!

  6. These were so good! Loved the new addition to the menu

  7. Beer infused cheese saus? Enough said.

  8. WHOA. The cheesy Frikandel looks amazing, but I'm glad you got to try all of them!

    I can certainly see why you love this place so much!

  9. the fact that i have yet to go to Saus is shamefull..curry ketchup sounds amazing!

  10. this food looks so tasty plus how fun is it to say Frikandel

  11. damn did I really need another reason to go there? I as well have a love affair with Suas it appears they get around.

  12. This food looks incredibly delicious! Yum!!

  13. Those Frikandels look soo good, especially the spicy one, would love to try!

  14. I want to go back for another after seeing your pictures!

  15. O wow I didn't realize they added to the menu! I needed an excuse to go back ;)
