
Friday, September 23, 2011

We're Back!

From a most spectacular Spanish Adventure!
1 country. 3 cities. 17 days. 4 planes. 3 trains. 20+ metro rides....countless restaurants, bars, museums, churches, art, beaches, tapas, cervezas, sangrias....I'm feeling excited and inspired to write about it all, invigorated and refreshed about life in general, happy to be home and only a little bittersweet about returning back to work.
Thankfully I get to re-live and share the experiences and photographs with you guys, which somehow makes it all the more memorable and rewarding. Since I already have a slew of media and other various dinners, lunches and brunches on the calendar, I'll definitely be weaving regular posts in with travel posts, which I suppose is typical of how I've written about past vacations. Meanwhile, I can wait to catch up on your lives - I've got lots of reading to do! Muchas Gracias to those of you who read and commented on my mini update posts while I was relaxing in the Spanish sunshine. 
It does not feel like a Friday in the slightest, but I'm not complaining. One day of work and right into the weekend where I'm looking forward to doing absolutely nothing except sorting through pictures and writing! What are your plans?


  1. YAY!!! Welcome back! Can't wait to hear everything : )

    My plans? Rainy weekend= stay in bed all weekend!

  2. Cannot wait to read about every single bite and adventure! Welcome home!

  3. Welcome back!! Looking forward to seeing you next week!

  4. Welcome back! Missed you! I'm sure I'll be seeing you soon. :)

  5. I am heading to Newport this weekend and also having dinner with you! :)

  6. Bienvenidos! Ahh, someday I'd love to go back to Spain, till then I heartily look forward to your recaps :)

  7. Bienvenidos a Boston! Looking forward to hearing all about it tomorrow!

  8. thanks for the post card see you at the dan go ny and detroit and millwakee love ya i want to go to spain

  9. Welcome Home! Love this pic of you & Adam! Can't wait to live vicariously through every adventurous bite!

  10. Can;t wait to see pics of everything and all the food, of course! welcome back to boston!

  11. Welcome home! I cannot wait to read all about your trip - sounds like such an amazing time!

  12. Welcome back! I love that first picture of you both!

  13. welcome back daisy!!! i've been out of the blogging loop for the past couple of weeks, so i didn't realize you had left, but what an incredible trip. i can't wait to hear more.
