
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Paseo de la Concha | San Sebastian

Travel photography begs us to capture the obvious defining factors of the location, but other times inspiration blossoms in the lesser appreciated landmarks as well. In San Sebastian, the former is most notably the trio of Eduardo Chillida Sculptures while the latter (for me) was the rocks.
In Madrid it was the intense graffiti covered facades, in Barcelona the Gaudi architecture - specifically the roof tops, and in San Sebastian, while I took lots of photos overall, the rocks in La Concha Bay and River Urumea stood out in abundance.
The aforementioned sculptures notorious with San Sebastian are called El Peine del Vinto or The Wind Comb.
These contemporary works of art are proudly displayed amidst a rough sea, their natural weathered character blends seamlessly while their dramatic shape is in stark contrast to the landscape. If you ever visit this city, you'll likely want to make the short walk to the end of Paseo de la Concha to check these out! The view and sites along the way are pretty cool, as are the rest of the rocks that surround the coastal shores and stone pathways.
A side note to my readers who are not bloggers or who don't use the Google Blogger platform - (otherwise I'm probably stating the obvious) - Did you know you can click on any photograph for a slideshow? Since I tend to incorporate massive amount of photos in one post, if you wanted to be able to scroll in a more orderly fashion, or see the pictures in a larger format, just click on one. :)There's a lot more to love about San Sebastian than its beaches and rugged coastline, particularly the beloved Pintxos, the enticing tapas cuisine of the Basque region. A mouthwatering food post is in the works....


  1. Thanks for the tip on the slideshow! I never knew that :-)

  2. I had no idea about the slide show! Your trip just looks amazing! Great photos!

  3. Wow, is it wrong that those iron sculptures remind me of Chanel? :)

    Thanks for sharing such wonderful shots!

  4. awesome shots. All these photos make me wanna go on a big trip so bad! I really need to win the lottery asap.

    Stop by & enter my giveaway for a chance to win an adorable hair bow & $20.00 gift card!

  5. I love that the Spain posts continue! You are making me want to book a trip!

  6. Awesome rock art! You've totally sold me on San Sebastian. It can be THAT far from Portugal, right?!

  7. Rocks. I get it. All the natural beauties! Craving a trip there now.

  8. Good tip on clicking the individual pictures to make them larger. Love your photographs. As you know, I'm a rock hoarder on a smaller scale!

  9. I had no idea about the slide show option...good to know!

    And like Elizabeth I want to go beautiful. These are your first Spain pictures where you look chilly!

  10. Such gorgeous photos! You should frame some!
