
Saturday, February 11, 2012

cozy friday night

Beginning with Stella Artois and scallops wrapped in bacon and ending with board games and Guinness, Leah and Tray hosted a delicious evening, it was a perfect way to wind down from a long work week.
There was so much good food! The springy scallops which had been marinated in mustard and maple syrup and coiled with smokey bacon to begin the evening were fantastic. A salad of lightly dressed greens in balsamic and olive oil was the perfect transition course, featuring crasins, almonds, avocado and tomato. For the main course we feasted on a juicy herb encrusted roast pork loin in mushroom gravy with baked red russet potatoes and baby carrots. We drank a firm, fruit forward red wine with dinner, a bottle of Carchelo C from Jumilla, Spain. After a few rounds of Cranium and Apples to Apples, we dug into a box of Modern Pastries including cannoli, crème brulee and tiramisu. We played Guesstures well into the evening, it's a hilarious game, especially when lots of wine and beer are involved.
Many thanks to our gracious hosts!


  1. It sounds like a fun and relaxing Friday night!

  2. omg! what a fun, yummy friday night!

  3. Looks like fun! What a beautiful kitty!

  4. Board games are definitely my kind evening. Apples to Apples - yes.

  5. Good food and game night - sounds like a perfect evening!

  6. Looks like a wonderful way to spend an evening. All the food looks so good. And I love Leah's sweater!

  7. What a yummy feast and fun night!

  8. Evenings like that are the best!! Looks like you had a stellar spread!

  9. Wow! My favorite coffee. Love it so much!

  10. Sounds soooo relaxing! I need a night like that soon!

  11. what a fun evening!! love the looks of that pork loin :)

  12. Not sure why my comment keeps disappearing!

    I wish I had friends who could cook up a storm like yours! Everything looks delicious and I love the close ups of your desserts. :)

  13. Nights like that are the best, and the food looks amazing! I want the recipe for that pork!

  14. Good times. A great beer and those fantastic scallops.

    Happy Valentines Day!

  15. The food looks delish! I don't know why I visit your blog when I am hungry...! :)

  16. your turn to host next! Nice recap and great pics!

  17. I feel like no one has dinner parties anymore, it was so great to read about this one! Looks like fun :)
