
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

North End Progressive Dinner Part 3 | Mamma Maria

For the third stop on our progressive dinner crawl, Mamma Maria warmly welcomed us into her 19th century brick row house and provided us with exceptional homemade pasta entrees. My Tagliolini ai Funghi Porcini was creamy, earthy and comforting, and paired well with a bottle of Umani Ronchi Cumaro Reserva, a smooth and spicy montepulciano.

Read a detailed review of Mamma Maria here.

P.S. Indulge Inspire Imbibe turns two today!


  1. Two big birthdays! I am such a big fan of Mamma Maria - one of my favorites in Boston!

  2. i've never been to mamma maria, but love the look of it! will have to check it out soon :)

  3. this dinner is such a fun idea and that pasta looks so delicious!!

  4. Happy Blog Birthday! I really enjoy your North End posts. There are so many options it can be overwhelming if you are not really familiar with the neighborhood.

  5. Wow, I've never been here before -- it's gorgeous inside. I checked out your older review, and the food on both nights sounds and looks terrific.

  6. That pasta and the space both look awesome! I so rarely get to the North End but I'd love to try this place out.

  7. my goodness, this food looks really good and I love the ambiance of the restaurant itself.

    Stop by and enter my Vedette giveaway!

  8. A progressive dinner is such a good idea; so fun!

  9. Oh how I love Momma Maria!! What a perfect location for the entree portion of the progressive dinner!

  10. Happy blog birthday!! This was the perfect stop for entrees. (I just had rabbit again tonight too!)

  11. Happy 2 years my friend! I can't believe I've been reading your blog for almost as long. I feel like I know Boston like the back of my hand.

    Mamma Maria's is exactly the type of place I'd picture in Boston. Looks fantastic!

  12. Happy anniversary! III is one of my must-reads every single day. Thanks for always entertaining me and keeping me hungry!

  13. Happy Blog Birthday! The pasta looks incredible. Very thick and comforting.

  14. A wonderfully delicious looking dish! Happy 2 year of blogging!
