
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

at the symphony.

The Handel and Haydn Society Orchestra performed Beethoven's Eroica a few weeks ago at Boston Symphony Hall. Critics raved about the performance; Jeffery Gantz of the Boston Globe proclaimed it a triumph, "the best live performance of this Symphony I've heard" while The Boston Music Intelligencer concurred "This was the cleanest and most satisfyingly straightforward live performance of Beethoven’s Third Symphony." 

I'm no classical music critic, but I certainly enjoyed the show and all that goes along with the experience; dressing up for the occasion, soaking up the regal atmosphere inside symphony hall and enjoying a sunny but brisk Sunday afternoon out and about.


  1. What a gorgeous space, I totally have not taken advantage of the arts in Boston.

  2. im LOVING this new photo-centric blog format! your posts have been amazing lately. and your outfits are adorbs :)

  3. what an amazing space. I've only ever been to one symphony and while the show was great, the snores from the guy in front of me were not.

  4. I don't want to be creepy when I say that I love the tights. :-)

  5. ahh, the shoe shot...totally cute. I need to get out and do something like this.

  6. Cute tights! Glad you guys had a nice time!

  7. Gorgeous building!

  8. I love your photos! I have seen a holiday performance by the Handel and Haydn Society before, and it was lovely.

  9. i've never been, but i'm thinking i need a date night there :)

  10. cute tights! it's so unbelievably gorgeous in there...

  11. Beautiful photos! And your tights! SWOOOON.

  12. Such pretty shots...I love the symphony! I haven't been in ages though...

  13. Boston is so great for seeing performances like this! sounds like a fun night! I want to see the rest of your outfit- i'm loving the tights and shoes! :)

  14. Daisy - I love your photos! Particularly the one of your pretty shoes and fun tights against the patterned carpet. You have such a great eye!

  15. The pic of the sky and distant YMCA is breathtaking, Daisy!!
