
Monday, September 10, 2012

last sip of summer

See past annual crabbing on Cape Cod weekends here, here and here

    P.S. watermelon mint fizz
This fancy, fizzy pink delight is a blend of fresh squeezed watermelon and lime juices with mint simple syrup and prosecco. I totally didn't measure anything and garnished it with a watermelon triangle, a slice of kiwi and a mint leave. To make the simple syrup boil 1 cup water with 3/4 cup sugar (I never like a full cup ratio) then simmer and allow it to reduce until the liquid becomes thick and syrupy. Add the mint and let it steep for about 15-20 minutes, then strain through a fine mesh sieve. It is best to chill the syrup it in the fridge overnight or as long as time will allow. This cocktail was a huge hit, even with the boys!  


  1. oh wow, gorgeous. and that cocktail also sounds fabulous :)

  2. I have mint growing in my backyard...I'm definitely making that simple syrup this week!

  3. so many pretty landscape shots but all I can think about are the cookies, those yummy looking cookies.

  4. End of summer is so bittersweet. But looks like you really did it up. I love those cocktail glasses!

  5. Did you go crabbing without me again? :) One of these years. Looks like a great way to spend the end of the summer.

  6. i love that its fall but im really doing to miss summer! are those blueberry pancakes? um, yes.

  7. Love it, I'm usually sad about summer ending but I'm pretty pumped about Fall :)
