
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

nemo's wake

Give it up for the s n o w !

I love how the early morning light hits the buildings on the right side of the street. And how piercingly blue that side of the sky was at 7am. And how pretty Charlestown is in general, with the gas lamps burning and rows of historic houses.


  1. I love your positive spin on everything :) Most people are grumbling about unshoveled sidewalks and parking wars. These photos are a reminder of the serenity that the snow can bring!

  2. That picture of the snow with the elongated shadow is a very poetic picture. Happy Tuesday :)

  3. I loved Charlestown in the snow - roads became ski and sledding hills!

  4. Looks so pretty- I wish I had gone sledding.

  5. Charlestown is gorgeous! I definitely need to venture over there more often.

  6. Very pretty! I wasn't in Boston when Nemo hit but when I got back it definitely looked like a winter wonderland.

  7. Wow! A lovely snowy sight, but I do not envy everyone who is shoveling!

  8. I knew you'd be loving this storm! Great pictures!

  9. These are (no surprise here) really great shots. Besides the buried car photo, they remind me that big scary snowstorms really aren't very scary but instead so calming and beautiful.

  10. i love these shots, and love that blue hue :)

  11. I do really love winter light. :) Great photos.

  12. Your neighborhood looks so beautiful in the snow. Great pictures!

  13. It was a Friday night a few years back, well past midnight. I hadn't lived in Boston in a few years, and hadn't even seen snow in as many. I had had a few as you could imagine, and got into a cab with friends to a house party. Later on I stumbled out not even knowing where I was. There was about 6 inches of snow on the ground as I made my way through the narrow streets looking for any cab, main road, or sign that could tell me just where in the city I was. Finally I turned a corner and looked up to see the monument in all it's lit up, snow covered glory. As drunk as I was, it's a sight and moment that I will never forget for as long as I live.

  14. Brilliant photos! The snow looks ethereal but the thought of having them along my backyard makes my head ache. Sending you warm hugs from here. Got my eye on your next posts.

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  16. So pretty and surreal! We also had fun walking around - it was neat to be able to walk in the middle of all the streets :)

  17. So beautiful...I'm a bit late here but really, just so beautiful!

    Hope it's warmer in your neck of the woods these days!

  18. You just took me on a beautiful morning walk of Charlestown in all it's blue hue morning glory. Thank you

  19. You just took me on a walk through Charlestown in all it's blue hue morning glory. Thank you.

  20. Woah! This is crazy! But, very beautiful at the same time.
