
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Charleston, South Carolina

It's that time of year again - the annual Girls Trip! 

Charleston had been on our radar all along and this charming coastal city lived up to every expectation. A lot of my photos are of time spent wandering south of broad street; taking in the luxurious lowcounty lifestyle where flickering gas lamps adorn pastel colored mansions and horse drawn carriages clank along cobblestone streets. Weathered brick and concrete buildings fronted by waving palmettos paint an equally endearing scene. 

The city was experiencing a heatwave. Us northern gals are not used to 97* and humid. (Or for one California girl, the heat minus the humidity.) Most of the locals remarked this was unusually hot for June. Besides ducking into air conditioned bars and in general eating and drinking really well, combined with a little shopping on King Street, we escaped the heat with a sunset sail on The Schooner Pride. Drinking mini bottles of Chardonnay and Pinot Grigio, giddiness and laughter ensued, these moments sailing around the harbor were some of my favorites. 

The older we get, the more important this time becomes. Or maybe I say that every year...but I cherish these ladies and these adventures so much! And as for Charleston, (especially in light of the recent church shootings - which happened two days before we arrived), she's full of uplifting, strong, proud, polite and humble people. I left feeling a real connection and with a desire to return. 


  1. Such a great city! I have been hoping to plan a trip back for years now.

  2. Charleston has been on my list of places to visit for a long time now. I think it's a great place for a girls' trip! Love your pics, as always.

  3. Other than that photo where I look about 2 tons ... 😊

  4. Your photos capture the fun-loving times in Charleston.
