
Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Blue City | Morocco


The winding blue streets of the Chefchaouen medina constantly delight with local shops and endearing scenes. At every turn another picture perfect creamy blue coated home or a fresh teal lacquered shop door. A periwinkle step here, a cornflower blue wall there. Everyone is friendly, kind and hospitable; on the side of plenty relaxed and no one bugs you to buy anything. There was one local shop owner who had a blast adorning us with our scarf headdresses. Way to make the sale! 

It feels like we discovered somewhere distinct and off the radar. Our time was limited to one night but I'd recommend two if your itinerary allows. We were not able to fit in a popular hike to an abandoned mosque for city views. Vancii Hotels rooftop and dining at Hamsa afforded pretty vistas for our short visit. On day two our driver Madhi arrived just after 10am, we had a camel ride in Tangier planned and then a ferry to Tarifa, Spain to catch!

Chefchaouen - the blue pearl of Morocco.

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