
Friday, August 27, 2010

Woodward at The Ames

Despite the excellent meals I've had out and about in Boston + Cambridge over the past two weeks - I had yet to partake in Restaurant Week! Coincidentally it ends today. How lucky the Summer Lunch Series should get the opportunity for a 3 course lunch for $20.10. That is a great deal. And what better way to conclude an amazing season of meals. Technically flex time wraps on September 3rd but since I have big plans for Labor Day Weekend it is with bittersweet emotions I write my last post in the series. It is back to normal 8 hour days and 5 day weeks, it's saying goodbye to summer in the city, it's the change of the seasons, it's the passing of time. As much as it is familiar change and as much as I embrace Fall; there are parts of me that want to hang onto neighborhood strolls in the sweltering heat, sun drenched days in the park, lunches on patios and Friday's off....
So for the last time this season - lets do lunch!
Woodward is a Modern Day Tavern located in the luxury boutique Ames Hotel. I wasn't sure exactly what to expect as I had never been inside before. I was greeted first by the doorman and second by a mobile of sparkling silver branches.
I strolled into Woodward where I debated with the hostess if I should sit inside or out. I only questioned because the interior was so sharp and inviting - but the weather was way too nice. She offered me a seat at the bar while she cleaned off a table for one on the patio. I pulled up a red leather chair and felt welcome as the group of staff to my right who seemed to be really enjoying themselves acknowledged me with smiles and nods. The bartender offered me a water as I scanned the cocktail menu. Woodward's list of handcrafted and innovative cocktails presented me with another tough decision.The bartender seemed impressed with my choice of the Hot Nantucket Night ($15). He got right to it: slicing the jalapeno, muddling the cranberries, measuring the tequila and agave nectar and crafting me one of the best cocktails I have ever tasted, hands down. Go big or go home!The layers of flavor evoked in a single sip are genius. First you taste the tartness of the cranberries and the ever so slightly sweet notes of agave nectar. Then the heat of the jalapeno seeps in slowly before it finishes with a kick. The Don Julio Blanco tequila is on par with the range of spicy, tart and sweet ingredients. My table was ready shortly there after my life changing experience at the bar.
Forget the roof deck scene, I am pretty sure I just found the hidden gem of all hidden gems out here on Woodward's patio, right there in the middle of Government Center. Sometimes these undiscovered spots are right under your nose. Or maybe I'm the only one who gets excited about city scape and clock tower views. Either way.
The historic Old State House to my right, the vibrations of the T (Orange Line) running underneath and skyscrapers surrounding at all angles, this is downtown Boston in one of her finest hours. In general I'm pretty content, but in this moment I found some sort of inner peace.
Feel free to peruse the menu.
The appetizer choice was a no brainier, the entrée took a few seconds of debate between the burger and the scallops, but it was the dessert that really gave me some trouble. My waiter without hesitation told me which dessert I should order. He also smiled approvingly at my entrée choice. "Best dish on that menu" he stated matter-of-factly.
I began with the Chilled Corn Soup with Roasted Corn and Jalapeno.
Let's just stare at that for a moment, shall we?
Jalapeno is fast becoming a theme of this meal! The heat it gave off in the soup was very subtle, with thin shreds of the pepper laced throughout. It actually complimented my cocktail quite well. Most importantly, this bowl was full of creamy, comforting sweet corn flavors. The chilled velvety broth was magic to my taste buds. About every other spoonful welcomed crispy corn kernels. This soup achieved well balanced bites of delicate textures and bold flavors.
My waiter speaks the truth, the Seared Scallops with Corn and Bacon Succotash was the highlight of my meal.
Three large golden brown and crispy on the outside, white and springy on the inside scallops sat over a hearty pile of succotash. Yet another theme I'm embracing at this lunch - corn! I welcomed those sweet kernels once again, along with small but hearty cubes of potato. And those little slices of bacon - I almost forgot the dish had bacon until I tasted the familiar bite of salty goodness. Scallops and bacon, a classic pairing we all know and love was elevated to an incredible dish honoring one of summers favorite vegetables.
So, I actually noticed I require at least four shots of a dish to capture it fully to my liking.
So, there you go!
Time to give you a rundown of the atmosphere, because really, a restaurant review post wouldn't be complete without that either. The contemporary-meets-comfy patio furniture-meets-bustling city streets creates a unique vibe. You've got elegant marble Victorian tables on one hand next to smooth stone tables with legs in the form of wooden tree branches on the other. You've got high backed wicker chairs next to steel industrial cafeteria style seats, next to wooden benches with comfy pillows. It is basically a hodge-podge furniture out on that patio, but it works.
The perimeter is outlined with green rectangular shrubs and dotted with red umbrellas.
For my dessert course I was going to choose the poached peach with almond cake and whipped cream. Going to....
Once again, my waiter did not steer me wrong. He understood the menu, was quick and to the point and also offered truly genuine service.
Oh hello Warm Brownie Sundae with Peanut Butter Ice Cream and Chocolate Sauce.
Chocolate sauce and sliced almonds formed an avalanche down the slopes of that mountain of perfectly scooped peanut butter ice cream, which was insanely good.
I will say I prefer my brownies a little more moist and chewy. This one was a tad rough around the edges. Not a huge deal. What else can you say about a brownie sundae? I almost finished all of it. After two full courses I'd say I did a pretty respectable job.
I seemed to have slipped into the land of oblivion and forgot I was getting all this for twenty dollars and ten cents. (What are you talking about a seventeen dollar for one drink bar tab!?) Ancient history. Full and happy, it was time to explore the Ames Hotel.I took a quick shot of Woodward's upstairs interior before I made my way out to the second floor balcony a
nd into the stairwell. And finally, back down to the lobby, where randomly placed black and white pieces of furniture make bold statements.
Woodward at The Ames
1 Cross Street 
Boston, MA

It has been a rewarding summer of Friday lunches to say the least. I have experienced so many new-to-me Boston restaurants, traveling to various neighborhoods to broaden my horizons and just explore. I embraced the concept of eating out alone and truly enjoyed doing so. I have also spent some memorable afternoons in the company of best friends and family. I hope you've enjoyed reading this series of posts as much as I've enjoyed writing them. Until next summer!


  1. oh my! you really ended the summer lunch series with a bang. what a vivid post! i am very jealous of all aspects of this meal, even the spicy 17$ cocktail. favorite line: "In general I'm pretty content, but in this moment I found some sort of inner peace." oh life. oh happiness. oh food. :)

  2. I love all of your posts! I really wish I lived near these places. Btw I'm totally drooling over that dessert right now.

  3. Those scallops do look amazing! I love you much you take advantage of the city - I need to start doing that more! :)

  4. Now that is what I call lunch. The scallops look amazing. I don't think I could drink a jalepeno drink though!

  5. I love the Woodward! And I agree that brownie dish is insanely good. I tried most (okay, almost all) of their other desserts and the brownie sundae is my fave. And my favorite cocktail there is Model Behavior - you should try it next time ;)

  6. I love the Woodward's decor and you took such beautiful photos of it. You were right by my office (it is even in the background of some of your photos)...and that drink? I love it - go big or go home! You're my hero!

  7. Now THIS looks like my kinda place! I'm definitely going there (if I ever make it over theeeeeere first). I don't usually like scallops but they look too good - the golden brown looks JUST RIGHT!

  8. I don't blame you for being sad, it was a GREAT idea and your food especially yesterday looks AMAZING!!!! Look at that dessert!

    Btw- I never found a cork track at the Cape. We just run on the grass instead :)

  9. $20. 10 cents, what a steal! Everthing looks so delicious, too. And your pictures, as always, are beautuful. Glad you're camera is back in working order. =)

  10. Beautifulllll scallop pictures. ;) Thank you for all of your comments!

  11. Yeah, that was one thing about moving back down south, people here don't even know what summer hours are. What's UP with that?? Lovely restaurant, just gorgeous! I will gladly meet you at Upstairs anytime, dear Daisy! XX!

  12. What a great ending to the series! I hope I can join you next year. I had my girls night out for my birthday at Woodward and just loved it. Jalapeno drinks= love

  13. What an amazing lunch and a great deal! The cocktail and the scallops look especially wonderful!

  14. I spot my office in those photos!! I love the Woodard and that drink is totally up my ally. What a meal Daisy! Thanks for sharing another delicious meal!

  15. GREAT pictures of the surroundings and OH MY the scallops and the drink look devine! I want to come back to Boston and I will put that on my list!

  16. Way to end the lunch series with a big bang! I don't even like scallops and I tend to shy away from spicy things, but I was so tempted by your entire lunch and drink!

    And I don't think you're OCD, some people take hundreds of pictures of the same thing to get the best one.

  17. From the food to the aesthetics, everything about this place looks divine!

  18. I love this place! The Second Marriage is my favorite cocktail. Yes, I'm already working on my next one. And that brownie sundae is amazing, I'm so glad you got it. Looking forward to spending your last summer Friday together!
