
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Flat Black Coffee Company

Flat Black Coffee Company offers over twenty single-origin coffees from around the world. They micro-roast to ensure that your beans, brewed cup or espresso beverage contain the richest flavors of origin. Flat Black is Australian for Espresso; the company's original inspiration comes from a trip to Australia. From the website: Unbeknownst to most,  Australia produces some superb coffee, grown on the slopes of an extinct volcano in a unique microclimate on the eastern coast. Discovering this little-known coffee producing region inspired a desire to bring rare coffees such as this back to Boston.After a doctors appointment one morning I wandered in to the Financial District café location at 50 Broad Street. (The other two locations are in Dorchester - Lower Mills and Ashmont.) I was greeted by a modern space with angular paneled wood walls, bright blue industrial ceilings, large arched windows, clean table tops and red chairs. A chocolate croissant caught my eye, wrapped tightly to go, buttery and flaky with rich chunks of milk chocolate hidden inside the puff pastry walls. The coffee was rich and smooth with delicate bubbles frothing on the surface. I thoroughly enjoyed this cup and there is not much more to it than that.The baristas were very friendly which also served to win me over. It is always fun to discover a new place at random and leave feeling pleasantly surprised after the experience. 

*edited to note the only location now is Lower Mills Café in Dorchester*

1170 Washington St 
Dorchester, MA 02124


  1. That noodle bowl looks delish...perfect for a quick lunch option! Hmmmm, I could totally marry coffee in general or at least call it my friend with benefits :)

    Saw the Urban Spoon logo up there...hubs and I were out with friends and they mentioned what a rad sight it was (I had never heard of it!??!), now I see it on your blog...crazy!

    xx Cat brideblu

  2. I love these blog posts! Today, I'd ditch my allergies, friend the buttermilk biscuits at MET Back Bay and marry my Kleenex. :-)

  3. ive been eating so much choco croissants lately! yum!! i wanna try the noodles now :)

  4. LOVE this post format! You should totally do one a week or every other week.

  5. You should do this every week. I love coffee so I'll have to check that place out!

  6. pass the margarita and let's drink up. xo

  7. Udon noodles and a chocolate croissant all in one post...I am in heaven!

    I am ditching Los I can move to Paris or London. Which I have friended! One of these days.

  8. love this post! i haven't had udon in forever, it might be time to rekindle our friendship

  9. ha! what a fun game! Let's see...can I marry your coffee and croissant because that looks pretty perfect, or is that cheating?! :)

  10. I am totally the opposite of a wine snob and happily drink two buck chuck, but when it comes to margaritas, I cannot use mix! Real lime juice is so much better!

  11. ha, this is fun! i'd ditch the rainy weather, friend my meal at ariana, and marry the chocolate chip cookies that got made last week :)

  12. So fun! I would ditch my nasty allergies for sure! I need to try Flat Black. I have passed the one in Dorchester, and it looks really cool.

  13. What a fun post! That coffee shop sounds wonderful - what a good find.

    And thanks for the heads up about Annie Chun's Udon dish - I love a meal that's quick, healthy, and yummy.

  14. Love this-- Today I ditch my attempt at going caffeine free again (the headaches and lethargy aren't worth it), I friend our newest CT food truck - the Gmonkey, and I marry - our vet who made Roscoe healthy again -don't worry - Rafe is OK with it-- he feels the same way :)
