
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bristol Lounge Burger Bash

It has been a good week around here. Last night 20 of my closest friend and family members gathered at The Four Seasons Bristol Lounge in honor of the burger I created last month being on the menu!Presenting The Daisy Burger! May is National Hamburger Month and to liven things up around The Bristol, Executive Chef Brook Vosika invited myself and some other local bloggers to a burger cooking class back in April; where we created and named original burgers of our own. At class we learned our burgers would be featured on The Bristol Lounge menu for one day only and on that day we were allowed to come in and enjoy our burger and a glass of champagne compliments of the chef. 
It was melted goat cheese-fennel slaw-sautéed mushrooms-and lettuce on a toasted brioche bun burger bash of many introductions, fancy drinks, complimentary appetizers (Buffalo Brussel Sprouts and Avocado Fries for all!) and fantastic company. I even made a speech upon audience request. It meant a lot to me that everyone came out to celebrate. This delightful if I may say so myself plate boasting my burger creation and Parmesan truffle fries awed and impressed. I knew the execution would be spot on.Even those doubting the intense goat cheese and fennel combination cleaned their plates (or took half home for lunch the next day - this burger patty is massive, I couldn't even finish it all!)Table #1 -My fam, Adam's fam, friends Douglas & Ruby.Extra Toppings.Table #2 - My Dad and a whole lot of my favorite people! (Please note Michelle photographing her plate - true to food blogger form!)I took off the tomato, but enjoyed the addition of pickles (always!) and a little onion for some extra crunch!
My sister and my Mom show off their plates. Below with my best friend from Cape Cod, Jen!The fam and I enjoyed a leisurely stroll home through the Public Garden in all its green weeping willow and cherry blossom glory. 
A very special thanks to: Our waitress, Trish, who was on top of things and took great care of us all night. Everyone at The Four Seasons for the continued hospitality from my time in the kitchen in April, to the reservation planning, to the special care and consideration at the actual event. And of course my amazing friends and fam who came out to support! I love you guys and hope you all had as much fun as I did!!


  1. The whole evening looks like it was fabulous! I love that your dad got you roses. And how fun having your name on the menu! I'm sorry I couldn't make it, but I'm so happy to see you had tons of willing "Daisy Burger" eaters! Congrats on a successful burger!!

  2. Congratulations! Your burger sounds delicious. They should keep it on the menu.

    That sous chef? Ah-chee-ma-chee! He's sexy!

  3. I had so much fun and it was SO lovely to meet your friends and family! Hooray for the Daisy burger!

    P.S. I still seriously love your outfit!

  4. Wow! That looks like an amazing evening. I am so sorry to have missed it!

  5. Yum! That is so exciting. You are famous. The burger looks delicious! Happy National Hamburger Month.

  6. So fun!! I'm sorry to have missed it, and congrats again. This week really sucks. Boo finals!

  7. Congrats!!

    What an honor, and a great burger flavor combo!

  8. aw! Congrats :) looks like an amazing evening!

  9. this is SO awesome!! what great publicity for your blog :)

  10. it was fitting that i only broke my diet for THE Daisy Burger! lol

    love you and thanks for a great evening!

  11. Such a fun night!! Congrats on your burger, that is SO COOL!!!

  12. Very cool event! Your burger toppings sound delicious - slap those on a veggie burger and I am so there.

  13. That is awesome, Daisy! What an awesome turnout for what looks like an awesome meal. Congrats!

    You look so much like your mom and sis!

  14. Looks like some really great food - I love your dress!

  15. How fun to have your burger on the menu, it sounds fabulous!

  16. that is so cool! I love that you gave a speech, who did you thank?

  17. Awww really sorry I couldn't make it - I would've loved the Daisy burger! Your outfit is fab!! xo

  18. SO exciting!!! Your burger looks delicious and OH-So creative.

    Also, I love your dress - you look adorable!!! xoxo

  19. So fun having your own burger creation at such a classy establishment (if only for a day!).

  20. OOOOH MYYYY GOODNESS!!! CONGRATS!!! i feel so honored to have a cousin in high places!! i love you so much and so proud of you! i hope the night went deliciously xoxoxo

  21. p.s. did i mention how incredibly awesome and inspiring you really are?? love you biotch... check mail soon

  22. p.p.s. i now finally have an account so this is me!!
    luv, your cuz

  23. Yay the Daisy Burger - that's so neat that you have had something on a menu!

  24. So cool! Your burger sounds delicious too. Such a fun opportunity! :)

  25. That's so awesome!!! Congrats! :) Love the dress!

  26. Awww that's so nice you had so many people there to try your burger!!! I really need to make reservations for mine!! So exciting :)


  27. Now this is how burgers should be done!! But wait, where's the beer?? Beer is a must with burgers!! ;-)

    Happy Friday my Dear! xo

  28. I'm so happy for you - this is AWESOME!! The burger looks killer and I want to try so badly!!

    Girl you look off the hook on earth do you maintain the figure eating such yummy food?? I have arm envy.


  29. I'm so sad I missed this! Looks like a wicked fun night! I'm jealous. Love your dad got you flowers, so so precious

  30. How cool!! Your burger sounds amazing (I was sold at goat cheese, of course!).
