
Monday, May 2, 2011

Moon Brine Pickles

Presenting Moon Brine all natural pickles! Previously handcrafted and sold in Boston for seven years before owner and pickle fanatic Stew Golomb transplanted the company headquarters to Portland, Oregon. I scored a jar of the Pretty Hot! (they also make a Super Dill!) variety thanks to my friend DeMane who is a good friend of Stews. There is no turning back now. Once you taste pickles this good - delightfully crisp, bright and crunchy, amazingly spicy and sour at the same time, you will only want to eat these pickles forever more. Moonbrine Pickles are fermented and brewed in small batches with no preservatives and are gluten free and fat free.The Pretty Hots pack a kick that's bold yet bearable and balance it out with all natural briny goodness. So good is the brine in fact that its highly encouraged to prepare anything from cocktails to salad dressing, short of drinking it straight from the jar. I personally prefer to add a little vodka to mine for The Pickletini. Simply combine one parts Moon Brine with two parts vodka. Shake over ice and serve straight up garnished with a pickle slice.
 I spent my weekend celebrating a birth announcement with friends at Delux. We're a tight knit group with interesting senses of humor....
I spent the latter half with some of my favorite extended family as this weekend marks the annual trip my sister and I make to Granby, Connecticut. My cousin Meg owns a Dance and Theater Company and the performance this year featured choreographed dances and musical theater inspired by cities across the world! I didn't take pictures to do our time there justice but let's just say I still wish I was sipping mimosas on this lawn in the sunshine.
P.S. Don't forget the pickles.

P.P.S Happy National Hamburger Month! The Daisy Burger graces the menu at The Four Seasons today - for one day only. Looking forward to seeing some of you there tonight!


  1. What a cool weekend! The pickles look delicious. Happy Daisy Burger day!

  2. I don't know if I could do a pickletini... you brave girl! Enjoy your Daisy burger!

  3. Pickletini! I'm not sure it's my thing but love that you did it up :) We need to get you some muffin tins!

  4. a homemade pickletini; now i've seen everything!!!

  5. These pickles FABULOUS! Looking forward to trying your burger tonight!

  6. i love that we both posted about pickles at the same time. god they are good. :)

  7. I love anything pickles. I would down that drink in a second flat.

  8. a pickletini!? i don't know if i could drink that lol. i do like a good pickle though!

  9. I LOVE pickles - and vodka - so that Pickletini sounds right up my alley!

  10. A Pickeltini & Daisy's Burger in Boston! That's what I call a great day! See you in a few hours Daisy!

  11. wow. my mouth puckered just thinking about a pickle-tini!

  12. Yum! I am a pickle fiend. I have never had a drink with pickle juice though!

  13. MMM I love pickles - and I bet I would LOVE the pickletini--

    Congrats on your burger! I wish I could be there to taste it!!!

  14. A pickle-tini?! That actually sounds great. I've been a big fan of Grillo's Pickles as of late but these sound fantastic!

  15. A pickletini? Brilliant!

    I could really go for one of those pickles right now. Straight up.

  16. I'll let you know when I'm ordering another case of Moonbrine!

    Oh and I have about two gallons of brine (just the brine, Stew bottles it for me special!) at home so the next time you come over let's do whisky and Moonbrine shots! xo

  17. Finally someone who shares my love for pickles! I definitely want to try these...they look delicious.

    Love the cake...your friends sound awesome.

  18. i love pickles!! yet have never heard of a pickletini...hmmmm


  19. I feel like I've heard of these pickles! And I am so happy you guys had one last crazy night out since they are now with baby! Can you believe it?? I think I'm going over there Friday lunch- you should come : )

  20. Do these have vinegar? I couldn't find the ingredients list online :(
    I love lvoe love pickles but only the ones with salt. That's the kind I grew up eating :)
