
Friday, February 21, 2014

Genève, Switzerland

Before Chamonix there was a night in Geneva, Switzerland. We wandered along the banks of Lac Lucerne and through Vieille Ville (old town) ducking into cozy bars for a mug of vin chaud or a glass of Kronenbourg. Restaurant Le Thermometre was buzzing on an otherwise quiet street, so dinner was decided on a whim based on the crowd. We were seated at a high table in the back corner by the custom zinc and red painted bar, where we had an amazing meal in good company. (We became friendly with the owner, that's him in the photos.) I turned 30. It was a really nice way to celebrate.


  1. Happy belated 30th! What a wonderful way to celebrate.

  2. What a lovely birthday celebration! I'd love to go to Geneva someday.

  3. Looks like an incredible meal. Happy birthday! I'll turn the big 3-0 in September. Eeeek.
