Friday, July 30, 2010

Hot Lobster Roll | Neptune Oyster

I finally made it to Neptune Oyster! It has been on my list all summer long. Scratch that, it has been on my list all two years and four months long (the amount of time I have lived in the North End!) In that time I've developed an infinite love for Salem Street and its restaurants, cafes and boutiques. Even the True Value on Salem is a huge asset to the neighborhood! How have I been literally everywhere else on this street except the beloved Neptune Oyster? Named for the Roman God of the Sea and one of the most delectable creatures to come from it, but today we weren't here for the namesake.
It wasn't a solo mission this afternoon as co-workers (not mine, each others) Gretchen and Lizzy of Clean Green Cuisine and Food to Run for, respectively, joined me on their lunch break.
A table for three in the back corner opened right as the girls arrived at 1:15. Good thing I was right around the corner, because without your entire party you will be denied a table. Reservations are not accepted here, but the woman on the phone whom I spoke with a few hours earlier was kind and helpful when she explained a party of three coming in at 1:00 would be a 0-20 minute wait. We lucked out with zero! If you do encounter a wait it is without a doubt worth your while to stick it out.
Ice cold Peroni on draft were necessary to compliment our first hot buttered lobster roll experience.
Yes, I said hot. Maine Lobster Roll ($25). As Gretchen would say, it's an investment.
The plate before me boasts a toasted brioche roll overflowing with sweet succulent portions of Maine lobster drenched in warm butter. You do have the choice to order this delicacy cold with mayo, but how often are you presented with an option for the former? Those deep golden brown french fries are delightfully crispy in texture and well seasoned with salt and pepper. 
With each refreshing sip of Peroni, each bite of warm buttery lobster meat, and each hot french fry dunked in cool ketchup: the ultimate summer lunch combination has been achieved. 
The service at Neptune was friendly and prompt. The place itself oozes class and character. Seating is shared in a long red leather booth with granite tables adjacent a bar that runs the length of the small space. I'd love to come back and dine at the raw bar but for now 63 Salem Street is officially checked off the summer lunch bucket list!


  1. I haven't checked out Neptune Oyster yet but I'm dying too...and your lobster roll only makes me want to go even more!

  2. I love seafood, this lobster roll looks divine!

  3. Ooh, I should totally start a summer dining list! I suppose it's a little late but oh well. How fun!

    Thank you for all your kind words this week and have a lovely weekend!

  4. You find the best foods! I need to be your shadow for a week so I can partake in all this deliciousness!

  5. That lobster roll looks INSANE! I must have one Now! =)p I don't even care if it has mayo on it.

  6. Holy moley Daisy, that lobster roll looks yummers! And they actually gave you a pretty good portion and chunks of lobster meat. I'd definitely pay $25 for that :-P.

  7. Those fries look delicious! I'd smother them with ranch dressing and dive in face first.

  8. I LOVE Neptune! I could sit there and eat oysters and drink white wine all night long. It has such character!

  9. Drinks during a lunch break?? My kind of girls!! Cheers babe!

  10. You mean 39.00 haha. So worth is. Best lobster roll EVER! Thanks for inviting us!!! : )

  11. hahaha "an investment" I like the way you think :)

  12. I've been so curious about all the buzz about lobster rolls. Thanks for solving their mystique!

  13. OMG! I can't believe I wasn't your follower...yet visited your site everyday. How crazy is that? I thought I saw your blog on my dashboard but I guess I always went to your blog through the comments.... happy weekends!

  14. I wish I could come visit you! We've been to Boston twice in the past 2 years so it will probably be a little while, but wouldn't it be fun to do lunch?! Hot lobster roll, yum! XO!

  15. Seriously? I am always on the hunt for a hot lobster roll in this state! I'm so excited Neptune Oyster has them. I guess I'll have to get ready to shell out $25 for one.

    So jealous of your fabulous lunches!

  16. I miss that kind of bread they use for the rolls. That is strictly New England and I miss that! Great pics!

  17. I seems that you had an amazing time.
    Oh this dish....

  18. I love how you refer to your sandwich as an investment. $25 is a lot but it certainly looks like a worthy sandwich.

    I have never had a lobster roll but I totally want to now. I just need to get past the vision of lobster being cooked alive. I have issues, I know.

  19. Wow wow wow. Lobster roll with butter? Sign me up. Love gs comment... It looks like you had a great return on your investment!

  20. wow, i don't even like lobster and i want this one :)

  21. This place has been on my list for years. I love lobster but lobster rolls are usually not that exciting for me because they're cold. I want to try one so bad because making my own is just too much work ;)

  22. I love lobster and those fries - my favourite kind of junk food are well salted fries with lot os mayo :D

  23. I've wanted to go there! That lobster roll looks SO delicious!!

  24. Oh! I absolutely love lobster roll...I can have a bite (big one) just right now :-)

  25. I read GOOP before I went to NYC and Gwyneth Paltrow recommended a lobster roll somewhere. Unfortunately, we never made it (there are just too many amazing restaurants in NYC). Maybe I almost drooled when I read your post... thanks for reminding me I've got to try one!

    I responded to your comment about mussels. Maybe one day I'll change my mind.
